Helen Weber
Apr-25-2009 01:26
I read on the Newbie boards that suspects can hide, but won't do so until impossibly hard cases or some such. I'm on an intermediate case, and a suspect's gone doggo. Admittedly, I'm getting a bit frustrated. I gather I'm supposed to just figure out where he is, but I've been to every location on the map and even looked for hidden links. Short of viewing the page source and searching the code for him, what else is left? Or do I just wait for him to appear when he feels like it?
Thanks again for any hints.
Oh, I'm getting a headache! [-(
Helen Weber
Apr-27-2009 09:32
I've got an idea that's probably crazy impossible to implement- yes? no? Letting people review FMs. That you can know that with a lower rated FM, you're taking your chances. More logical FMs with a more solid story would doubtless get high ratings. Or maybe just letting people make comments about FMs. Pipe dream?