CONTEST: What I Did Last Summer
Lucky Stiff
Apr-8-2009 10:27
Ok, remember when you were in school, and you had write an essay, "What I Did Last Summer"?
Well, tell me what YOU did last summer. I mean you, the detective. It should be in character but it doesn't have to be about sleuth, since even detectives have holidays sometimes, right?
-Spelling and grammar count! I will put you on a blacklist and haunt you forever if u rite lyk dis.
-There is a 2000 character limit. That's one box.
-Contest closes Thursday, April 30 11:59:59pm. No exceptions.
-Currently I am the only judge, and bribes are welcome.
1st prize $100,000 sleuth dollars or a 2-month sub
2nd prize $50,000 sleuth dollars or a 1-month sub
So, what did you do last summer?
Replies |
Sister Rosetta
Apr-12-2009 12:06
It was an eventful summer, to say the least. I was always in the habit of perusing brochures from the travel agency nearby, and that year was no exception. The travel agent, Rhoda Darning, smiled pleasantly as I scanned a pamphlet about a getaway in the Caribbean.
“Thinking of getting away this year, Sister?”
“I’d like to. But a detective’s wage is very meagre. I don’t think I could ever afford it.”
The sound of gunfire nearby cut short the conversation. Rhoda quickly ducked under her desk as I rushed outside to see two figures firing their pistols.
Just as I was about to call out, one of the gunmen fired two shots. His bullets ended up hitting the other figure, who then collapsed. Deciding that it was more prudent to help the victim, I allowed the other man to get away. But just as I was approaching him, the person who was shot stood up and ran away, as well!
I headed back inside the travel agency, and found that Rhoda was nowhere to be found. She had inexplicably disappeared without a trace.
I called the police before heading back outside. Something was not right, and it took me a while to figure out what. The gunmen had been firing blanks. But why would they stage such an elaborate scene? Perhaps, to catch someone else’s attention so that they wouldn’t notice another occurrence nearby...
The solution to it all was quite simple. The two men were, I gathered, Rhoda’s brothers. She had told me about them a while back. They had staged the shootout to divert attention away from Rhoda, who had slipped out quietly from behind me. One of them was supposed to trash the travel agency while my attention was turned to the other man who was “wounded.” But somehow the plan went wrong, and both men bolted. I guess they didn’t expect a detective to be the witness. The damage that would have been caused would have given Rhoda a nice sum from her insurance company " perfect for a holiday. You can’t have a tropical getaway without a criminal record. Shame.
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
Apr-14-2009 00:01
Summer here again and of course not a brass razoo to my name. Things weren't looking good on the holiday front. Daydreams of falling asleep to the sounds of koala's mating (like a cross between a catfight[females] and wild pigs rooting for food[males]) and waking to sunrises over mobs of roo's grazing.
Suddenly the phone rings, it's my old mate Bluey from out bush where I used to live. After the "G'day's" and the "How's it hanging" were out of the way Bluey told me the reason for his call. Someone had shot his prize ram and he wanted me to come "detect who dunnit". Bluey would pay to fuel up my old ute and he expected me faster than a gun shearer on double pay. By the time I got there I was dryer than a dead dingo's donger so Bluey dragged me down the pub to catch up with Gazza and Wozza and a couple of new sheila's in town.
After downing a few tinnies to wet the whistle we got to yakking about the case. Bluey told me that the local show was coming up and he expected to win again this year just like he'd won the last 5 years with his prize ram 'Drongo'. Fitting name for a bloody sheep like Drongo. The stupid ram had tried to mate with not only the cattle but a couple of wild goats as well. Bloody Drongo!
I decided to ask around and taking my stubby with me I started doing the rounds of the local watering holes. Blokes and sheilas got real talkative after a couple of beers. Turns out Bluey's neighbour Jimbo was jealous and decided to win the show himself this year. He got his top Jackeroo to balance Drongo's ears with a piece of lead between to make sure that Bluey couldn't win. He'd been ticked off for donkeys’ years about Bluey having such a prize winning mob of sheep and wanted to turn the tables.
I told Bluey about it and Rafferty's Rules broke out. Eventually after the dust settled the coppers took Jimbo back to the station for a Backroom Waltz and had the right of it. Jimbo spent a night in the tank and had to pay double what Drongo was worth.
Apr-15-2009 17:11
On the first day of summer, my client gave to me Murder in Manhattan
On the second day of summer, my client gave to me two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the third day of summer, my client gave to me magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the fourth day of summer, my client gave to me Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the fifth day of summer, my client gave to me free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the sixth day of summer, my client gave to me Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the se’enth day of summer, my client gave to me four skill points, Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the eighth day of summer, my client gave to me lost treasure’s map, four skill points, Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the ninth day of summer, my client gave to me Banker’s PE contact, lost treasure’s map, four skill points, Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the tenth day of summer, my client gave to me Sleuthtania tickets, Banker’s PE contact, lost treasure’s map, four skill points, Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
On the eleventh day of summer, my client gave to me Lucy’s location, Sleuthtania tickets, Banker’s PE contact, lost treasure’s map, four skill points, Prince Palace’s key, free subscription… Three Doomsayers, magnifying glass, two easy cases and Murder in Manhattan
Apr-15-2009 17:14
Just a side note to my entry up there...
#1 Try singing the 12 days of Christmas
#2 Due to word limitation, the 12th day, which is Socrates' contact is not included
#3 Thanks to ctown for the inspiration, and to Makensie for the encouragement (shall I call that?) to join this competition, hope this brings you another chuckle
David Adams
Apr-16-2009 18:17
Just out of curiosity, what did you have for the 12th day?
Apr-16-2009 19:53
Socrates' contact...
luc pfeiffer
Apr-16-2009 21:06
lemme guess. the Music Teacher, right?
David Adams
Apr-17-2009 17:21
So who's Socrates?
Lucky Stiff
Apr-17-2009 21:04
Ooooh, some lovely entries! Great to see new names posting as well. Come on folks, there's still 2 weeks left to get your entries in! :D
Apr-17-2009 23:26
I was referring to Order of Socrates' but it was tooo long... Any ideas for 12th day?
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