CONTEST: What I Did Last Summer
Lucky Stiff
Apr-8-2009 10:27
Ok, remember when you were in school, and you had write an essay, "What I Did Last Summer"?
Well, tell me what YOU did last summer. I mean you, the detective. It should be in character but it doesn't have to be about sleuth, since even detectives have holidays sometimes, right?
-Spelling and grammar count! I will put you on a blacklist and haunt you forever if u rite lyk dis.
-There is a 2000 character limit. That's one box.
-Contest closes Thursday, April 30 11:59:59pm. No exceptions.
-Currently I am the only judge, and bribes are welcome.
1st prize $100,000 sleuth dollars or a 2-month sub
2nd prize $50,000 sleuth dollars or a 1-month sub
So, what did you do last summer?
Replies |
Anais Nin
May-9-2009 10:41
Congrats to Sister Rosetta and Keira Ann!!! :) I loved reading everyone's stories!
Ms Helen
Con Artist
May-9-2009 12:35
Woot Woot congrats you two :)
And thanks TK for running the contest. was a lot of fun.
Sister Rosetta
May-9-2009 12:35
Thank you everyone! I can't believe that my story won. There were so many creative and wonderful entries that I had really no idea who'd win. It was a pleasure to read them all, and congratulations to Keira Ann for being named runner-up!
Great job everyone! :)
luc pfeiffer
May-9-2009 15:22
Good job all! Congrats to Sister Rosetta and Lolita! And Squirrel, i'm so sorry to hear that you won't be getting that pony out of this after all. Let me know if you need more oats, i have a whole shed full of them too that i'd be more than happy to pass on to someone who really needs them. If all else fails, you can always offer a bowlful to the neighbors if they get TOO inquisitive. Sorry about the riding crop too; i don't have one of those to pass on to you. I do however, have a really nice bullwhip that may suit your needs.
So on behalf of Rudolf and myself, Good Going All!
May-9-2009 15:26
Congrats Sister Rosetta and Keira Ann. Great stories! I enjoyed reading them all.
Oh, and I promised her I wouldn't mention it, so you didn't hear it from me. TK told me that my story was the best but she couldn't name me the winner because then everyone would think she is playing favorites within our agency! ;-)
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
May-9-2009 17:30
ctown telling stories AGAIN *shakes head* :P
Pinball Amateur
May-9-2009 19:12
Umm, Mak, don'tcha mean STILL?? ;-D
Lucky Stiff
May-9-2009 21:48
Well, I really enjoyed this contest, and I'm glad everyone else did too. Thanks for all your entries, I wasn't kidding when I said it was really tough to judge. Congrats to our two winners! Are you sure my adoration isn't prize enough? And thanks to SS for showing us a, ummm, new side to our sleuth gods ;)
May-9-2009 21:53
Now if I was telling stories I would have started with...
Once Upon a Time! ;-)
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
May-9-2009 22:14
LOL Breit! Very true! and ctown, then you should start with that every time, since you are telling stories ALL the time :P