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Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Mar-21-2009 19:03

Guess who will be the next to post.

Prizes if you get it right, forfeits if you are wrong.

To start us off:



M. Lacrimosa
M. Lacrimosa

Jan-17-2011 20:30

Haha! Yes! How about Joyful now?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-18-2011 06:29

Not very, not today.

Is Delilah headed this way?


Jan-18-2011 09:06

Nope. Sorry, was running a tad late.

Lady Z?

Lady Zeugirdor
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur

Jan-19-2011 12:43

I'm normally late, but I'm working on my punctuality and it's paying off!!

Hmmm, do I see Peter lurking around the corner there?


Jan-19-2011 16:34

Not right yet...
Mr. Lacri?

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jan-19-2011 18:40

*yawns* I'm tired. I guess Cordelia will be around soon while I go to bed. It is daytime in Australia, isn't it?

Peter O'Neil
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe

Jan-20-2011 05:21

No. I heard a Lady calling, so I came.


Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Jan-20-2011 07:42

No thanks, Blueberry Hill does the security around here.
I like your hat by the way Peter :)

Does Ctown ever make an appearance here?

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Jan-20-2011 08:45

It's been quiet sometime ago. I heard he's been busy with some undercover detective work. ; )

I wonder if Sleuthgirl Ciara might grace us with her presence.

Security Lane
Security Lane

Jan-20-2011 16:44

Ciara is not around yet. <3<3<3. ok I couldn't resist.

Peter. Peter is that you?

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