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Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Mar-21-2009 19:03

Guess who will be the next to post.

Prizes if you get it right, forfeits if you are wrong.

To start us off:



Anais Nin
Anais Nin

Apr-1-2009 08:19

Sorry! It's me again. ;)

I think I'm going with Adam here... ctown is everywhere! So, next up, ctown!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Apr-1-2009 09:08

ctown is everywhere, yes, but here :)

next will be nic, i just know it!


Apr-1-2009 11:07

Is somebody looking for me? So sorry, I've been doing housework. Those Green Acres commerative plates sure gather a lot of dust.

Has anyone seen woody around?

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Apr-1-2009 14:49

I have....but he's not here.

I know Adam is about somewhere.

David Adams
David Adams

Apr-1-2009 15:20

*Peers around for Adam....*

Nope, must be out walking the cat. ;-P

(in best Scooby-Doo fashion)

Hey Sunny, where are you??

Battered Shoe

Apr-1-2009 17:27

It's Sunny. April Fool's! It's me!

I suspect topkebab will be posting her face soon.

Con Artist

Apr-2-2009 07:43

Nope, Topkebab is not here yet.

But I think she will be here... any minute now.... TK?... yoo hoo... TK?

Lucky Stiff

Apr-2-2009 08:06

Don't disturb me, I'm disgruntled in Delhi... ;)

Anyone seen Brady Quinn around?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn
Special Deliverance

Apr-2-2009 11:48

Here I am, you must have seen me coming from Jasraj's place.

In fact I think I hear Coco Axton coming!

Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

Apr-2-2009 15:58

Nope! Little ole me decided to show her face with thumb on her nose waggles her fingers at Brady.

I suspect woody2 might show his face soon!

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