I love Dr Watson
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
Mar-10-2009 18:08
A.K.A Angus Walker............well not really. I don't even know him, LOL, but I really really really love "Doctor Watson - the sleuth helper with smarts"
Brilliant piece of programming and has made my life so much easier!
Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!
Replies |
Old Shoe
Mar-10-2009 23:06
me too!! i use it all the time :-D
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town
Mar-11-2009 01:37
It is so cool and it is exactly how I worked my scratch notes but with all the info and a lot less typing for me! Woot!
Share the love people.
Hugs to all
Mar-11-2009 07:17
I've tried Dr. Watson but I have found a much easier and more complete helper. Try it out and see for yourselves. I've cut and pasted the post on this for you :))
Hello, fellow Sleuths!
Over the last two months, I've been working on a brand new Sleuth helper. You might not think that sounds all that special - after all, great helpers are already available - but what makes this one different is that it's automated!
What it does is monitor your progress in the game, and extract relevant information from the pages. The information is stored and analyzed, in order to help you determine who did it, and who didn't.
It's heavily inspired by Evita's JavaScript-based Sleuth Helper, so a special "thank you" goes out there.
The application is made with Delphi 2005, and should run on any machine with Windows NT/98/ME/2K/XP/Vista and Internet Explorer 4 or later. Additionally, source code is included (ZLib license) in case someone wants to port it to another platform and/or language (such as Java).
The program can be downloaded from http://download.birdiesoft.dk/SleuthHelper.exe (330 KB), and a screenshot of the program can be seen at http://download.birdiesoft.dk/sleuth_helper.png.
Please take a look at the help file before using the program (it's very short), so you are familiar with how the program works.
(Disclaimer: The application depends heavily on the current structure of the game pages, and changes to this may break the program. Although the application is designed in such a way that it should fail entirely if something goes wrong, this cannot be guaranteed. Use of this program is entirely at your own risk, and any cases lost because of errors in the program should not be blamed on the program or the author.)
Mar-11-2009 07:21
^^ I forgot to mention that the program was developped by a fellow sleuth Pidgeot and it is widely used by noir players.
Safety Officer
Mar-11-2009 16:20
I think you'll find the 'I love Dr Watson' is the underground Sherlock Holmes novel that Conan Doyle couldn't get printed.
Carolyn Spark
Mar-11-2009 20:49
Hahaha! Was that following the EM Forester trend?
Sep-29-2013 10:17
Doctor Watson is back! You can find him at http://www.eurocollection.co.uk/watson.htm
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-29-2013 12:55
Could you get a virus there? Like maybe...mad cow disease?
Safety Officer
Oct-1-2013 23:55
I see what you did there :)
Dec-9-2014 00:11
Anyone know where to find this app? I'm new to the game and link is dead.