Tips for non-murder mysteries
Inspector Joseph
Dec-2-2008 22:34
Are there any tips for writing a non-murder scripted mysteries. If so, please do share them.
Replies |
Inspector Joseph
Dec-17-2008 04:09
I think I've found it.
If one uses a persistant twist for a suspect in which it says something like: 'I went to Mr. ABC's house but no one was there.'
Then the suspect is sort of hidden.
One can find the suspect by ending the twist.
Am I right?
Dec-17-2008 12:58
DING DING DING DING!! :0) You are correct, sir!
Nicely done. :o) Don't be afraid to play around with the Workshop and figure out all the neat things you can do.
Oh, and I cannot stress this enough... When writing your questions to be asked of suspects and witnesses, DO NOT put your questions in quotation marks!! For some reason, the Workshop refuses to show any words written after a quotation mark, and there's nothing an editor can do about it.
You can use quotation marks in the answer, and that isn't a problem. In the question, however... just don't do it, please.
Safety Officer
Dec-17-2008 15:20
twists are what make the SM's go round. i think everyone should play Doomsayers trilogy before they write a SM (hard when you're not subbed I admit), mainly because it basically shows you how to use twists and research and most of the mechanisms to create deadends, and for want of a better word 'stalls', in your plotline.
Old Shoe
Dec-18-2008 08:19
One more Q guys, I'm writing a robbery SM; my victim IS my client, now, what do I put in the motive and relationship to victim boxes? :S
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Dec-18-2008 14:48
Well for relationship you could just write Victim and I'm guessing your client has a reason for wanting to be a victim, whatever it be so you can make that your motive e.g victim wanted insurance money.
Safety Officer
Dec-18-2008 14:53
I think you could leave them blank.
You could put 'My client was above reproach' in the motive, and reveal his alibi as 'true' straight away from the Intro. I think you should be able to leave relationship blank.
Inspector Joseph
Jan-11-2009 04:26
Hi! One more question. It was said that we can have more than one client. Likewise, can we have more than one case which is somehow connected to the other.
Jan-11-2009 09:53
I'm not sure if I understand what it is you want to accomplish. I mean, if you kill off suspects, it is still the same case, although (in real life) they are technically different cases.
Or are you referring to doing something like the Doomsayer's Trilogy, which is three different SMs that continue the same story?
Inspector Joseph
Jan-11-2009 10:43
I actually meant that if there are two or more clients in the same SM and each client brings a totally different case but they are somehow connected to each other. In this case, the detective won't know the connection when they are on the initial stage but as they move forward, some twist, suspect, witness or research shows the connection. After knowing that, solving the mystery would be a piece of cake (if you don't need further details, clues, evidence) against your man. Hope I explained it well. This idea just came to mind, the aim was to make the SMs more fun.
Pinball Amateur
Jan-11-2009 17:31
From what I'm reading, yes, I think it's possible. There are several authors out there who have worked on something similar. (Again, my take on your description could be way out in left field, so take it for what it's worth. ;-)