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Priceless Sleuth-CONTEST
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Pinball Pro

Nov-2-2008 18:11

We've all seen the Ads for Priceless

I want to know what you think is priceless and write us an ad: Heres an example:

Travel to London $5000
Bribing Edmund $500
Solving the case: Priceless

This runs from now until Nov 15, 23:99 oops 23:59 I hope to announce a winner on the next edition of sleuth talk radio.

Oh and prizes, how can I forget? The winner will get $100,000 sleuth dollars.

The rest win the envy of the winner! ;-)


Pinball Pro

Nov-16-2008 15:03

I wanted to announce the winner on the radio show, but due to the outage I have not been able to contact my judges, so the winner will be announced in the near future, thanks to everyone that played

Pinball Pro

Nov-19-2008 12:23

OK everyone, the final votes are in and have been tabulated! Congratulations to our winner

*drum roll*

Phoenix Shadow

Great job Phoenix and to all of you who played.

I would also like to thank my distinguisehd panel of judges:

miss snopes
Ms. Helen
Makensie Brewer

Now time to put those thinking caps back on and write some entries for Anikkas competition!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Nov-19-2008 14:49

Congratulations Phoenix Shadow!! :)

You all did a wonderful job!

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Nov-19-2008 15:38

Congratulations Phoenix and everyone else who entered. I had a blast reading all the entries :)

Phoenix Shadow
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town

Nov-20-2008 03:57

Thanks everyone :)

Cass Trait
Cass Trait

Nov-30-2008 01:07

I don't understand your contest. Can you please explain me? Can you please tell me what Priceless Sleuth is?

Safety Officer

Nov-30-2008 14:48

Contest is over.


Dec-5-2008 20:40

Traveling to Shanghai: $3000

Finding out that you have to capture an insane criminal possibly getting hounded by another detective: $50

Spending days (in real time) looking for that person, because he kept skipping town, and then finding out that the other detective found him and then seeing the look on that detective's face after he finds out that the "insane criminal" was actually just the guys cover because he was looking into an insane asylum and finding out that the person he just arrested was innocent: SERIOUSLY PRICELESS!!!!

Anything is better when you have MasterCard. So when you want to give me that $100,000 dollars because this entire post is priceless, then feel free to give it to me because I really need the $100,000 dollars.

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Dec-5-2008 20:46

Good one Golduck but this contest is over. Try the other contest...Sleuth Sonnets, I think that is still going on :)


Dec-11-2008 21:16

Eh, I still wanted to be part of it. Anyway who was the winner?

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