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How to hunt an Arch-Villain
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Sep-7-2008 13:33

So, when you're in London, and your last three suspected co-conspirators are the Barber, Tailor, and Waiter...

... when you get the clue IS A WOMAN, you should definitely cross the Tailor off your list of possibles and continue working so that you can accuse the Barber.

Sometimes I really scare myself.



Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Sep-7-2008 13:39

LOL Ani :P

Dr. Sergej Molotov
Dr. Sergej Molotov
Sleuth About Town

Sep-7-2008 14:43

So, when you are in Delhi and played all your cases waiting for the saviour clue and you get it from the last case and you are absolutely sure it is the concierge, I think it is very important to listen to something else when you are clicking the first one: the bartender :)


Sep-7-2008 15:04

Yeah, I've done that one, too.

The worst part is, I've created a spreadsheet on Excel so that I can keep track of all my hunts, and I have to type everything in. So, not only did I READ "is the woman", I TYPED "is the woman"... and then I crossed out the only woman that was left.

Now that I'm really awake, the whole thing just makes me laugh harder. Doh!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-7-2008 15:33

I guess the good news don't have to pay Shady! Can you imagine how much he would charge for that? Sheesh!

Safety Officer

Sep-7-2008 17:32

Yup that's how I've failed. IS A WOMAN must mean cross off all women on your list. Or NOT THE BARTENDER means the bartender IS guilty. I think it's worse when you take notes and can actually check back on your own stupidity instead of being able to comfortably blame Ben.


Sep-7-2008 18:39

Oh Ani ypu dont need to type things in, take a look at my excel spreadsheet, not perfect but I have dropdown menus for clues


Sep-8-2008 04:00

Yup I all know what you mean:~)

In the past , my EAST of the 5th avenue has never been so west :~)

Old Shoe

Sep-8-2008 05:13

If you want to be sure to get confused, you could also check out my "clueless London", which are availiable among some other stuff I have been fiddeling around with in Sleuthville, from the website of my private agency ISAC. Be warned though that the stuff is primarily made for my own pleasure, not to be foolproof or checked for all kind of errors or problems.
If you like my "clueless London", I might be doing clueless'es for the other cities as well... - as well as any correction that needs to be done to London to get it correct... ;-)
I no longer fear that there will be any problems if you want to use any of my stuff, as we have become so few in Sleuthville by now, so there might hardly be any problems with overloading of the sleuth server.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-8-2008 05:30

Yikes! Is this really happening? You get the clue"IS A WOMAN" and it turns out to be a man, and EAST is really WEST? If so I officially retire from villain hunting.


Sep-8-2008 06:48

No not at all Sophie...

Check out us all...We have all failed at least one hunt:~)

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