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How to hunt an Arch-Villain
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Sep-7-2008 13:33

So, when you're in London, and your last three suspected co-conspirators are the Barber, Tailor, and Waiter...

... when you get the clue IS A WOMAN, you should definitely cross the Tailor off your list of possibles and continue working so that you can accuse the Barber.

Sometimes I really scare myself.



Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-8-2008 07:35

lol... and all you villain hunters out there, make sure you are looking at the correct city map before you accuse!!

Pinball Amateur

Sep-8-2008 13:45

We have maps?!?! Why does noone TELL me these things???? ;-P

Sleuth About Town

Sep-8-2008 18:02


Y'all are killin' me!


Lucky Stiff

Sep-9-2008 02:34

Well, I for one have never made that kind of mistake. Never. Nope, never ever.

*looks around for a suitable halo*

*doesn't find one so settles for ordering a large extra crispy pepperoni pizza*

*yes, knows that the two aren't really related*

*is gonna stop thinking in asterisks now*

Sleuth About Town

Sep-9-2008 21:22

Well, I have made those mistakes, however, I double checked with maps and clues and sometimes triple-check. I have yet to fail a hunt because of my carefulness *knocks on wood*

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-10-2008 05:57

When I go to a townie to capture its an *event*. I mark the special occasion with a glass of bubbly. Plop-plop-fizz-fizz



Sep-10-2008 08:51

I want to chase villains with Sophie! ;-)

Con Artist

Sep-10-2008 10:30

Me too! Me too!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Sep-10-2008 10:32

Blasted....the last one was from me. I have to start paying better attention to whose clothes I'm wearing!!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Oct-17-2008 13:37

Thanks ctown for showing me this thread :)

Ok, as some know, I've just returned from a long break...well, before i took the break, i think i only did one villain hunt, and failed. (ofcourse, and u will see why as u read on down lol)

I mean, I really dont know WHY I wanted to do this kind of a hunt again, when I dont know my friggin directions AT ALL..i swear I look like an IDIOT on the street, trying to figure out where Im GOING...BUT....anyhoo.....

I am currently on a hunt. It was in Delhi to start. Now, its taking me to NY (thank GOD)....Ok, well, I did all 11 of my cases (it took one case to travel to Delhi from shrangi-la la land)....and ..this is what i did....

*puts hands over mouth, coughs, and says real fast* ittookmeall11casesandsomeonetellingmewherethevillainistoproceed!!

Ok, *sigh*...i suppose I must just SAY it....*covers face and says slowly* it took me all 11 cases, and someone spelling it out for me on where that dumb ass villain is, for me to be able to proceed!!! Now I have to wait until tomorrow to continue, where as, had i had my brain screwed on tight, I could've atleast traveled to the next place, and got one more clue b4 i ran out of cases. :o(((

I swear Im never doing this kind of hunt AGAIN!! (yeah right!)

**runs out of room screaming in tears from embarrassment**

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