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UK sleuth meet-up
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Lucky Stiff

Aug-25-2008 01:48

Calling all UK sleuthers out there! I would like to organise a sleuth meet-up in London sometime over the weekend of 20-21 September 2008.

Now, this is in NO way supposed to be a Sleuth Con, I'm not trying to steal Rhiemma's great idea, it's more like a Sleuth hey-I-was-in-the-neighbourhood-so-why-don't-we-have-a-drink.

Details to be worked out. Depending on numbers and interest, the meet-up could include any, all or none of the following: drinks, dinner, lunch, movie, other activity (dunno what, ideas welcome).

The weekend is non-negotiable, however exact date and time are flexible. And if there is high demand for somewhere other than London, I will entertain the idea (mostly by reading the suggestions and laughing :P)

Anyone in the UK interested? Ok, even Europe sleuthers are invited. Oh alright then, all sleuthers all over the world are invited too. (Don't go calling me country-ist). Just don't expect any subsidies, the most you'll get from me is one round ;)

Sleuth meet-up, London, weekend of 20-21 Sept.

Interested? Post here or PM me.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-3-2008 10:49

What up wit dat Ctown no passport? I'll let you use mine* you'll just need a few alterations and some makeup. How tall are you?

*anyone reading this who's with homeland security I swear I was only kidding.

Phoenix Shadow
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town

Sep-3-2008 14:21

I'd be up for a meet-up in London, although that weekend would be very tricky for me, as I have a lot of RL work on over those two days.

But if something similar happens in the future, let me know!

Evelyn Gardner
Evelyn Gardner
Sleuth About Town

Sep-3-2008 14:47

I would prefer any other place in the North-West, but if it is London, let it be in London ;)
Under the Big Ben? :))))

Demon of the Due Date

Sep-3-2008 20:07

bumping this back up to page one

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Sep-5-2008 02:52

Well living in Leeds, Manchester would be awesome lol I could get the in a jiffy hehe

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Sep-5-2008 06:18

There are special train rates between London and Manchester... I thought it might be worth a mention because not many people know about them.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-5-2008 09:08

WOW that's cheap. Unfortunately they're not available for the weekend!

Phoenix Shadow, do you mean that if the meet is in London you'd come? Or would you not be able to make it even if it was in London? At the moment it's looking more like I'll be heading up to Manchester.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Sep-8-2008 10:36

Coming into this really late cos I happen to be in Sri Lanka at the moment, but I'm up for a London meet that weekend. Not sure if I could make Manchester, but you never know :)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-8-2008 21:05

Ooooh, more and more ppl, how exciting!!

Ms Helen, would you be able to come to London?

And do ppl prefer Saturday or Sunday?

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Sep-11-2008 11:46

Well a lot of it depends on whether i can get the days off work I'm guaranteed to be working weekends so I've had to book it off. I won't know if I actually get it off for a couple of days yet. I'll let you know as soon as i can :)

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