UK sleuth meet-up
Lucky Stiff
Aug-25-2008 01:48
Calling all UK sleuthers out there! I would like to organise a sleuth meet-up in London sometime over the weekend of 20-21 September 2008.
Now, this is in NO way supposed to be a Sleuth Con, I'm not trying to steal Rhiemma's great idea, it's more like a Sleuth hey-I-was-in-the-neighbourhood-so-why-don't-we-have-a-drink.
Details to be worked out. Depending on numbers and interest, the meet-up could include any, all or none of the following: drinks, dinner, lunch, movie, other activity (dunno what, ideas welcome).
The weekend is non-negotiable, however exact date and time are flexible. And if there is high demand for somewhere other than London, I will entertain the idea (mostly by reading the suggestions and laughing :P)
Anyone in the UK interested? Ok, even Europe sleuthers are invited. Oh alright then, all sleuthers all over the world are invited too. (Don't go calling me country-ist). Just don't expect any subsidies, the most you'll get from me is one round ;)
Sleuth meet-up, London, weekend of 20-21 Sept.
Interested? Post here or PM me.
Replies |
Pinball Amateur
Aug-25-2008 18:16
That sounds great, Top!! Hope y'all have a wonderful time!! And if you happen to have a stopover in San Francisco, gimme a call!! ;-D
Lucky Stiff
Aug-25-2008 20:47
Sure thing Breit!!
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-26-2008 16:35
Now it's just a case of us UK Sleuths showing our faces... :) I'll be there finances permiting.
Old Shoe
Aug-26-2008 18:28
It's a great idea & as a UK Sleuther I'm up for it....except I can't make those dates. As a musician I'm guaranteed to work on Saturdays, and on the 21st I'm flying to Ireland to a wedding. And yes - I've been invited! As opposed to just playing at one....
Let me know if you're doing it again though!
Evelyn Gardner
Sleuth About Town
Aug-27-2008 09:29
Count on me!!! I am sure I will be there ;)
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-29-2008 17:05
Ms. Helen is in the UK, right? Come on! Let's name and shame! :P
Lucky Stiff
Aug-31-2008 10:37
Geesh, no other sleuthers in the UK? It'll be a cosy meet then!!
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Aug-31-2008 11:13
Let's make it in Manchester then :P
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Aug-31-2008 12:20
Hey guys, I think its great you all are planning to meet up. Make sure to take lots of pictures, cuz I wanna see how much fun you all had ;)
Old Shoe
Sep-1-2008 02:42
I'll be moving there in two years :)