Sleuth Internet Radio
Jul-22-2008 22:55
Well folks, you may or may not have seen my coming soon announcement about Sleuth Internet Radio. And heres an update. The show will debut on August 17, 2008 at 4:00 EDT. I am still working on some special guests and working out a few minor kinks, the link will be available to you all soon.
Rumor has it that a certain Shady character got wind of it as well and may be making an appearance. I'm really looking forward to doing this and hope you will all have fun listening, it will be a live show so anything can happen.
More details coming soon!
Replies |
Jul-27-2009 08:18
I have a song all picked out and ready to go! I can say for certain that you will all hear me sing. I have at least one other thing lined up for it, and of course the offer still stands for the prize from the last show. Has anyone mastered that song yet? ;-)
Old Shoe
Jul-27-2009 09:36
Make it a country-song and invite SS with a coconut cut in two. He can make some pony-noises, Monthy Python-style...
Anais Nin
Jul-27-2009 09:46
I'm practicing! But maybe we should have a Sleuth Song contest- contestents write a song about Sleuth and sing it on the show, and people vote on the one they like the most. :)
Jul-27-2009 09:55
If I do a country song then after I'm dpone I will have to sing it backwards so I can get my dog back, my truck back....etc
Anais, are you suggesting we do a Sleuth Idol? I have actually talked to people about that before! ;-)
Anais Nin
Jul-27-2009 16:44
Well, kinda. But on Idol, people don't write their own songs, do they? I'm suggesting a song writing AND singing contest! Much more interesting and much more amusing. ;)
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Jul-27-2009 19:05
Super Sleuth Idol!!
ctown, you sure you will really sing this time? and not just lip-syncing?
Old Shoe
Jul-27-2009 23:16
I can't write my own songs. I can't sing either, come to think of it. Only songs I sing are songs I've converted into lullabies... Last song I made into a lullaby were Frank Zappa's "Titties and beer"... The lil one loves it... I think I lost my thread here... Anyways, I can't write my own songs... Or sing... Think I'll lip-sync to ctown's song about trucks and coconut-ponies...
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Jul-28-2009 04:41
Ooooeeee another radio show, about time too :D
Jul-28-2009 07:42
Oh, I guarantee this time it will really be me singing, but it will not be a song I've written, but it is a well known song, I think you will all enjoy it! ;-)
Jul-28-2009 07:54
The next show is tentatively scheduled for Sunday August 16 at 4:00 EST, (GMT -5), which is our normal time slot. So far I have at least one new game planned with a very great prize that has been donated. Want to find out what the game and the prize are? Simply tune in and listen to the show.!
Also I would like to extend an invitation to The Heigh Leigh Irregulars to possibly particiapate in a Q & A period. It will be up to the listeners to come up with the Q's, The HLI to come up with the A's. Not sure on hte format, but I will try and work it out.