A Slight Change in Plans
Pinball Amateur
Apr-28-2008 21:15
Had a bit of an 'oops' come up. Over the last 2 weeks, I"ve been dealing with a rather excruciating migraine. Standard meds have done little to help. After several trips to the E.R., I suffered a fall and blow to my head, and briefly passed out. After extensive tests, MRIs and CAT scans, the doctors found a small thrombosis, or blood clot, in my brain.
I've had a stroke.
I was released from the hospital yesterday, and am now recovering at home. The doctors are treating the stroke aggressively, and working very hard to prevent a repeat occurrence. I have a great medical team, and my family has been wonderful through all of this.
I greatly appreciate all of your encouragement and support. It's going to take time for me to get back on my feet, and your interest and caring will be invaluable to me. I thank you for that!!
Hope all of you are doing well. Again, thank you. ;-)
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Nov-23-2009 08:32
I'm glad to hear you have made a full recovery :-D To your continued good health *raises glass in salute*.
Charlie Cain
Nov-23-2009 09:35
I am happy to hear you have recovered and are doing much better.
Nov-23-2009 10:56
What can one say, only that you are GREAT!
What can one do other than just love you?
How is it possible to not leap of joy when one is allowed to hear this kind of great news?
I wish you as much good luck and health that you can possibly bear!
If possible, please say bye to the migraine from me as well ;-)
Violet Parr
Nov-23-2009 11:11
That's truly great news Breit, happy to know you are doing well dear and to hear of your marvellous recovery.
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Nov-23-2009 12:22
Indeed great news Breit ! You really made me happy !
By the way ...you are prescribing your magnificent improvement and recovering with very accurate and precise scientific terminology...seems you have studied a lot !
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Nov-23-2009 14:03
I'm so glad to hear that Breit. As other's have said your recovery has been amazing :)
On a side note, Hawkeye, it's nice to see you still popping your face in :)
luc pfeiffer
Nov-24-2009 12:16
Hi all! I'm Not Breit (the other one). Our computers seem to be working one at a time and right now, mine's up. Breit wants everyone to know that she REALLY appreciates all the chat and good wishes sent her way. Thank you everyone and happy sleuthing! Not Breit
Pinball Amateur
Nov-24-2009 14:28
Hi again!! ;-D
Yes, I'd really like to say thank you to all of you!! It's been wonderful to see so many of you, young and old, regularly active and occasional visitors alike, here and supporting me. I especially appreciate the detectives who are a bit younger than me for their kind thoughts. It truly means a lot to me.
If you're under about 500 days old, this is prob'ly brand new news to you. It's not something I tend to talk about a lot in public (people tend to view you much differently when they find out you've had a stroke). It was caused by an extremely severe migraine (one that ended up lasting close to a month straight), and my being on birth-control pills (something my doctors were using to try and lessen/prevent the migraines. Obviously, they had a limited amount of success with that one.). The stroke did change my personality (??, not sure that that's the right word for it) a bit. I'm a bit less patient, more tempermental, and less willing to put up with bull than I used to be. So, if I seem a bit cranky some days, you now know why. ;-)
It's been a very long road to recovery thus far. There's been some tears, quite a bit of pain, and a lot of ups and downs along the way. But through it all, a MAJOR part of what's kept me going, and kept me trying to improve, has been the well-wishes and thoughts from the people here at Sleuth. I haven't always been able to reply to people's postings and messages, but believe me, from the depths of my soul, they've meant the world to me.
So again, thank you!! Here's to another 500 days on the golden road of wellness!! *Raises glass*
Battered Shoe
Nov-24-2009 23:58
Love, Love, Love you Lady! And I'm so glad your brain is getting better and they don't need to monitor you as much.
Pinball Amateur
Nov-26-2009 12:14
Thank you!! ;-D