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Contest: Beatle Sleuths
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Feb-17-2008 05:17

Do you ever make up your own words to songs? How about while you’re Sleuthing? Now’s your chance to show off your song writing talent. The rules:

All songs must be a parody of a Beatle song. They must also be in keeping with our Noir theme. The original title must be at the top so judges will know which tune to “sing by.” You can have your own title too just put the original in “( )”

The contest ends at the last server moment of the leap day, February 29. So March is too late.
Judges will be Anikka, Lady Jas, and myself.

Prizes are : 1st place - an AVH reward plus 100K sleuth dollars
2nd place- Choice of an AVH reward or 100k sleuth dollars.

Entry Example:

Help, you know I need somebody,
Help, I just saw a body,
Help, you know I need a Sleuth,

When I was going out, only yesterday,
I nearly fell over a body propped up in my way,
There was blood spilt all over the floor,
I screamed and ran back, slamming shut my door.

Help me if you can I feel afraid,
And I don't want to go to my grave,
Help, I think I may be next,
Wont you please, please help me?


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Mar-4-2008 07:03


Drum roll please .............................

But first, I want you all to know how difficult this was to decide. Every entry was a winner but we only have prizes for the top 2. And they are:

First Place : Cordelia for her rendition of "When I'm Sixty-Four."
Second Place: Phoenix Shadow for his rendition of "Penny Lane"

Huge thanks to everyone for entering and entertaining us all with your terrifc songs. And thanks to Anikka and Lady Jas for help in juding and co-ordinating prizes.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Mar-4-2008 07:34

Congratulations Cordy and Phoenix! And great job everyone! It was a great contest and it was fun reading all the entries. :)

Phoenix Shadow
Phoenix Shadow
Sleuth About Town

Mar-4-2008 08:37

Nice one, Cordelia, a well-deserved triumph!

Old Shoe

Mar-4-2008 09:21

Both worthy winners, many grats.

Thanks to those who took part and organised the contest. Will look forward to the next opportunity to showcase our talents...who's for Showaddywaddy?


Mar-4-2008 09:51

Thank you Sophie, for this wonderful contest. And congratulations to all our budding songwriters... what a great collection!!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-4-2008 15:46

Thanks, guys! I think the biggest congrats go to Sophie and the rest of the judges for another really great competition - feels like we all had fun coming up with those.

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

Mar-4-2008 16:57

I reiterate what the others have all said. Great job by everyone, I had a blast playing in this one. And it gets me off the hook. I told some people that if one of my entries won I would go to karaoke night, sing it and have it recorded to be put up on You Tube. You are now all spared from hearing such a dreadful singing voice! ;-)

Old Shoe

Mar-4-2008 19:03

Congrats to everyone! They were so much fun to read :-D

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Mar-4-2008 19:32

OMG see what happens when I'm away for a couple of days I miss the contest, dammit dammit dammit

Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

Mar-5-2008 01:42

Well done Cordelia and congratulations! Your entry deserves the first place 100%.
I am afraid that this is not the case with the second award given. I am afraid that the objectivity of (at least one of) the Judges was (or could have been) influenced by the ‘teammate’ issue .
Stooby felt this delicate issue and clearly said that his participation was beyond the contest and I would like to congratulate him for the sensitivity and responsibility shown. Unfortunately this was not the case with Phoenix Shadow (although he is a teammate with Judge Sophie and he could directly or indirectly influence her opinion) !
I really believe that Phoenix Shadow’s entry should be excluded and the award to be given in another (beyond reasonable doubt concerning Judge’s influence) entry.

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