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Mai Capome
Mai Capome
Old Shoe

Feb-8-2008 01:11

I tried this twice yesterday and it didnt seem to work ............... well from my end it did and I recieved the thank you note. Very nice.

However..... the recipient in question didnt get the other half of the equasion or certainly not with in a couple of hours. She subscribed anyway, slightly disappointed, for not getting the discount off. Well.............. Who doesn't like a bargain.

Should it always take that long, do we need to learn to be more patient and wait longer or is the coupon system not working :)

Just curious.


Old Shoe

Feb-9-2008 10:47

You can also send the coupon to another email address that you have access to and just send the person who wants the coupon the code. I have done this before

David Adams
David Adams

Feb-9-2008 13:39

(Breit using the hubby's bod here, cause I'm up on the mountain right now. ;-)

I suspect there's a technical issue ultimately at cause, Mai. What, exactly, it might be, I haven't the faintest. But just like with some people, I do know that some computers/networks/programs/whatever just don't get along with each other, no matter how hard we try to make it work sometimes. I have a feeling this might be one of those kinda things.


Feb-9-2008 18:37

ok, I actually tested this a while ago when one I sent didn't seem to go through and like Jas stated earlier, the Spam/Junk mail filter was the cause. The person I sent it to never used it but thats another story. I have several freebie accounts and sent to each of them. Some went directly to the inbox, others went to Spam/Junk/Bulk. There is the rare occasion that someone has the freebie account setup so Spam and such just automatically gets deleted but they would have to be using an email client such as outlook to do so. If thats the case then either the person that set it up for them isn't too bright as the end user wouldn't have a clue how to turn that off or they set it up themself and knows how to turn it off. So another question to ask is how they get their email, if they say outlook, this can be suspected.

Hope that explains somethings for people and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me, I deal with troubleshooting email problems on a daily basis at work.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Feb-10-2008 19:25

I am the person Mai Capome sent the coupon to. I have a yahoo account. She tried twice, I got neither. I checked inbox and spam for the past 3 days (even though I went ahead and subscribed without it) and have never gotten either. Shouldn't Mai Capome now have 13 cases per day????? Forget that I didn't get the 15%, I wish she would still be given her extra case per day.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Feb-10-2008 20:13

THe extra case is only good if the recipient redeems it. Sorry there!

Mai Capome
Mai Capome
Old Shoe

Feb-11-2008 16:04

Sorry to throw a spanner in here, but you can't redeem something you havent got or had no chance of getting. No disrespect to you Lady Jas:)

If your not aware that the 15% coupon offer does not accept 'freebie' mail accounts, and you want your 12 cases + join an agency, what are you going to do........... your gonna subscribe anyhow, thinking there's a problem with the system, not your mail account.

Wouldn't some sort of notice, attached to the coupon to say which email accounts work and which don't, be abit more helpful. It would have been nice to know some of this stuff before the fact, not after.

Its rather gutting that you dont get that little perk, your entitled to.

I wonder how many other people have lost their 15% by not recieving their coupon.


Feb-11-2008 16:46

OK, I recently had someone ask me for a coupon and I sent it to his yahoo address and it didn't show up anywhere, I ahd him check the spam folders and all that like I did in my earlier tests but he wasn't able to locate them.

I agree with Mai that if there is an issue it should be stated on the site somewhere that free accounts sometimes cause trouble. There is not really a way that a person sending one for the first time would know about such things.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Feb-11-2008 18:36

First off Mai, no disrespect to you but I was answering miss snopes question.

Mai Capome stated, "Its rather gutting that you dont get that little perk, your entitled to. "

Secodnly, If you go to the Bonus tab and click on sideckick coupoins, and read the rules and limitations it does say the following:

"4. The recipient becomes your sidekick when they redeem the coupon. If the coupon is not redeemed, the sender is not rewarded."

Also, whenever I am correspoding with a possible and potential recipient I always be sure to include in my message to them to check their filters etc. and if the person still doesnt have it after a day, to send me a message ASAP so that way I can contact admin, and if that doesnt work then I tell them to give me a another email address and try that one.

99% of the time person is willing to wait and do this. Although there was one time when the person didn't receive the coupon, and Admin said he did see where I sent one and gave me the code from the coupon to give to the person, which I did, and the code still didnt work.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Feb-11-2008 19:01

GGRRR I hate when I cannot remember all I wanted to say in the previous post. I knew I was forgetting something in the above LOL.

SO here goes another post!

Also, in an earlier post I mentioned that hotmail didnt work. Now I have had some people that said hotmail does work, again it didnt for me. So I should add that there is no real proof that free email accounts do not work. This is something only Admin can affirm or deny, until then I'm only left with what I know from experience.

And Mai, my saying no offense to you is not meant to be rude. I read that again and it kinda came off that way. All I was saying is that no disprect to you in the fact that you didnt recieve the extra case, and simply answered snopes question.

Ok really now, I think that is all I wanted to say lol. ;)

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-11-2008 22:03

Jas is right here. If somebody's email account blocks the Coupon from getting through, then they can't redeem the coupon. The issue is with the email provider (yahoo, hotmail, etc.) incorrectly blocking something that isn't spam.

For most email systems, the coupon will show up in your junk or spam folder, but that's not always the case. On Yahoo, for instance, the message doesn't even show in your spam folder.

It may actually be helpful to inform their customer service about this issue, as they do want to hear feedback when their spam filter is not behaving correctly.

We'll add some help text to the Sidekick Coupon page specifically addressing this issue, but it is unlikely that we can provide a list of which email addresses don't work as there are a lot of different places where people get their email service from and just because they are rejecting certain messages one day, doesn't mean they are going to act the same way the next.

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