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Like the Logo
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Pinball Amateur

Jan-21-2008 16:21

Is it just me, or did I see the Sleuth logo get a slight change to it? It looks neat. ;-)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Feb-6-2008 04:55

I like it better. Its a bit brighter and more noticeable.

See how we all get excited and dance over tiny little scraps thrown our way?

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Feb-6-2008 07:23

Very nice too!

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-6-2008 11:25

Ooooh I like this logo so much more.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-6-2008 11:40

Heh, sorry for the double switch-a-roo.

The new logo will make more sense once Shade of Mystery is up.

We started designing the new combined homepage for the two games, and we wanted the style of the logos to be similar enough that the page made sense and looked consistent.

This logo is purposefully similar to the SoM one.

Pinball Amateur

Feb-6-2008 13:31

I'm not entirely sure I like this new one better, but I hope it works. ;-)

Safety Officer

Feb-6-2008 20:51

If that means there's gonna be a dual home page where if I type in etc and then get the option to go to either Noir or SoM that's great. :)

Wayne Williams Jr.
Wayne Williams Jr.

Feb-6-2008 21:14

Nice, thank you!

Sir Gar
Sir Gar
Old Shoe

Feb-7-2008 00:26

I like this one better...good job!

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Feb-8-2008 13:01

Am I imagining it or has the new logo doubled in size over the last 3 days? I don't think it started out as big as it is now.

Washed Up Punter

Feb-8-2008 18:23

I think it got bigger too. Unless we are both hallucinating. Also - did the man in the logo just light up a cigarette or has he been smoking this whole time? The logo changes are nice tests for observational abilities :)

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