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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-2-2007 14:54

Congratulations to Stooby for hitting his 10 mil mark. And at such a young age too, only 279 days old.



Jan-2-2008 23:57

Ho Ho Ho
I always find it interesting when someone is so courageous that they create an anonymous detective to start trouble
Ho Ho Ho

Detective Mohamed is well over 100 days old, so I must say that I find Stooby's idea of finding a time machine and going back a few months to create him JUST to keep this thread going really shows that he is resourceful.

Congrats, Stooby. You're a freaking GENIUS, man! Oh, and I'll slip you a tenner if you just point the way to the time machine...

Bridget Bard
Bridget Bard

Jan-3-2008 00:05

Seems Laverita, whoever he/she really is, enjoys the role of pot calling the kettle black, since that detective is only 10 days old with only 10XP and clearly was created only to bash someone anonymously. I'm guessing the real perp is the same person who has been insulting Endeavour on the Agency Recruiting threads. Who is this cowardly nitwit? For pete's sake, I hope he/she gets a real life.

Anyway, congrats to you, Stooby! You are a wonderful director and great agency colleague. :)


Jan-3-2008 00:30

Thanks BB :-)

But it’s true, all true! I lost my copy of H.G. Wells Time Machine a while ago but got a new copy for Christmas.

I was inspired to create a rather low tech copy… being one that likes to argue with myself and as no-one else is likely to lay claim I take the credit for all the Sleuth’s created to bicker on this thread.

Not being to savvy on the technical side I couldn’t build a full time machine, just one for nipping to and fro on Sleuth. Also with electricity prices being so high I taped directly into the Sleuth Server power supply… I must apologies to all for the effects this may have had recently on serve speeds…

Anyway now I’ve been spotted I guess my dastardly plan has been foiled.

*A little note to anyone with funny bone removal syndrome… this is not serious, all a bit of a joke. And yes that really is directed at however keeps giving us the fun of seeing them go to all the bother of creating detectives just so they don’t have to post as themselves. Way-to-go on the cunning planning there!*

Bridget Bard
Bridget Bard

Jan-3-2008 02:05

What a dastardly villain you are, Stoob-- I guess we'll have to confiscate your tool box!

One of the things I like most about Sleuth--and one of the reasons I let my son game here--is that the overall atmosphere is a bit more intelligent and mature than a lot of other internet activities, while still being a lot of fun. It's quite sad to see some adults acting like such idiots. Especially since Admin, if it really wanted to, should be able to use ISPs or other computer-to-server data to trace who exactly is posting this garbage, so the troublemakers are not really quite as anonymous as they think they are.

Safety Officer

Jan-3-2008 04:44

Somewhere there's a correlation between the amount of Ho's Laverita employs and Bridget wanting to confiscate Stooby's tool box that makes my inner puritan start singing 'Bringing in the Sheaths'... I'm off to starch a collar.

Bridget Bard
Bridget Bard

Jan-3-2008 19:55

I think I'd prefer "Coming Thru the Rye", SS. So okay, I'll lighten up. :)

miss guided
miss guided

Jan-4-2008 11:26

Laverita is not in an agency, and certainly not in ours.

We had the disagreement with Stooby and have kept it off the boards. We would not like it to continue on the boards now, especially as we feel things are calming between us.

Laverita is acting alone and without the support or encouragement from Ona Mission, we do not or will not condone anything this person has to say.

Admin - If there is anything you can do........... PLEASE do it!!

Ona would like to extend our own Congratulations to Stooby and say ' Job well done'

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Jan-4-2008 11:42

Congrats Stoobs, from all at TIA.

Sorry I didn't notice early, but if you ever want to do another AVL match with me buddy, you're welcome.

We'll lose again of course...


Jan-4-2008 12:13

Thank again all, this is the party that keeps on giving.

I have my own suspisions about who keeps posting and I do not think it's Ona at all.

To all who have not made the 10 million... keep going! It seemed a million miles off one days, as does Roamie's 20 million to me now. But then I think that I've not even played for a year... Anyone can get here as long as they love the game and avoid them FA's!


Jan-6-2008 20:51

congrats on 10mil exp

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