Another Party!
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Dec-2-2007 14:54
Congratulations to Stooby for hitting his 10 mil mark. And at such a young age too, only 279 days old.
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Washed Up Punter
Dec-8-2007 22:45
Just wandered over to the boards after almost a week off so sorry for the delay, but Congratulations on the 10M :) Very nicely done! Is it too late to get a drink?
Dec-9-2007 01:50
Never to late to buy a lady a drink ;-)
Meet me at the Owl when we're both in London.
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Safety Officer
Dec-23-2007 04:59
Basically, it's been said before, both by Ben and Sunny, that inter and internal agency disagreements should stay just that: between the Agencies & Agents in question. If you have a real problem, you should approach Admin. But please don't continue it here. Thanks.
Dec-23-2007 05:01
Curious to know who Laverita is and what the issue was as I've never herad of her...
If it's an issue with me my PM box is always open :-)
Battered Shoe
Dec-23-2007 23:28
SS- Are you nuts? Well yea I guess you are...
Inter-agency disagreements keep me reading the boards. There hasn't been a good all-out war in a while. And I think Sleuthville needs one. Maybe I'll start one up. Anyone game?
Oh yea. And Stooby, congrats.
detective mohamed
Jan-2-2008 14:28
Jan-2-2008 23:02
Ho Ho Ho
Stooby is creating Detectives like detective mohamed just to keep his congrats messages up
Ho Ho Ho
Jan-2-2008 23:57
Ho Ho Ho
I always find it interesting when someone is so courageous that they create an anonymous detective to start trouble
Ho Ho Ho
Detective Mohamed is well over 100 days old, so I must say that I find Stooby's idea of finding a time machine and going back a few months to create him JUST to keep this thread going really shows that he is resourceful.
Congrats, Stooby. You're a freaking GENIUS, man! Oh, and I'll slip you a tenner if you just point the way to the time machine...