I wanna
Old Shoe
Nov-4-2007 00:19
*shamelessly ripping this off from some other site I used to hang out on a long time ago*
We'll start conservatively. Instead of saying I wanna shoot Dick Cheney in the face with a shotgun full of irony and secondhand camouflage fatigues,
I'll just say I wanna see the movie American Gangster.
Hey you! What do you want? What do you wanna do? What do you wanna?
Replies |
Sleuth About Town
Nov-4-2007 00:33
I wanna have people respond to me when I talk to them aside from completely ignoring me... that may just solve some of my issues :D
What do you wanna?
Nov-4-2007 01:04
I wanna see the Browns go to 5-3 and beat the Seahawks
How bout you wanna what?
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Nov-5-2007 00:04
I wanna go home....thanks ctown........I miss Seattle even more now.
Whatcha wanna?
Old Shoe
Nov-5-2007 01:30
I wanna fanta, served to me on an embroidered lace pillow by one of the Fantanas, from that popular soft-drink commercial. Or by Carlos Santana, dressed up as a Black Magic woman. Woo-ooo.
In the off chance my cross-dressing grape flavoured fantasy doesn't come true, I wanna new couch, one that has the magical power to not make my larynx fall asleep and make me think I'm dying when I lie on it on the wrong angle for too long, and also the only slightly less magical power of not making me go to IKEA and eat fifty-cent hot dogs.
No biggie...not the kind of hot dogs attached to grammie-winning rap artists. Spare change seduction is all yours :) So is the candy shop, and the lollipop.
What do YOU wan'?
Safety Officer
Nov-6-2007 04:07
I wanna day off where work doesn't ring me 15 minutes into my sleep in and ask me something stupid like 'how do I turn my computer on', or 'were you asleep', or even (true) 'are you having a day off'.
Whatta you wanna?
Sleuth About Town
Nov-6-2007 08:08
I wanna ' Bi@#! Slap ' those people that tell me "no" to everything I say.
i.e., " Your feet are burning 'cause yer standin' in the fire," I say.
"NO", they reply. "What it is, is, the heat being generated by the coals,
and that's causin' them flames to burn through my shoe."
" Ain't that what I just said?"
Whatcha wanna?
Miss Toria
Nov-6-2007 13:51
I wanna turorudi!!!! .^^. (hungarian sweets)
And you? What do YOU wanna?
Ima Vagabond
Nov-6-2007 20:58
I wanna dance hall, dance hall everyday. YeeHaw!!!
You wanna?
Nov-6-2007 23:14
I wanna know why all my cat(s) wanna sleep on whatever book I'm reading. Alternately, I wanna be able to read a book without having to push a cat butt off of it. And I wanna know that this is not asking too much.
You wanna what?
Old Shoe
Nov-7-2007 00:15
Oddly, right now I wanna push a cat.
(Sidebar: I have a whole theory about how the "cat's like to sit on books" thing actually proves that they're smarter than dogs because it shows that they now how to get your attention). So yeah, now I wanna push a college cat.
Et tu, Sleuthy?