Hi, how are you today?
Old Shoe
Sep-24-2007 01:21
Just a place to talk about what's going on with you.
Me? Aw, you're sweet for asking. I played soccer today for the first time in a while, and it turns out that one of the guys I play with has a 22-month old son I hadn't heard about. And learned in the way only sore muscles can tell you that absence makes the thighs grow painful :P
In other news, our house is being repainted (a LOVELY shade of off-taupe), starting tomorrow, some random person left a bag of clothes in my backyard last week (minus the bag part) and I'm kinda hungry.
But enough about me. How are YOU today?
Replies |
Battered Shoe
Jan-3-2008 16:57
I'm running on 3 hours of sleep after learning it's impossible to stay asleep with an elbow firmly planted in your temple all night. I was late for work. Got home, fell onto the couch, sat on my drycleaning and a mysteriously opened safety pin, and I set the couch on fire with lit cigarette in the frenzy.
So pretty good.
How y'all doin?
Ob Sidian
Jan-4-2008 11:38
Pretty good, I just paid $6.09 for a ham and turkey sandwich. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy. I had 2 inches of lettuce, 2 slices of hard tomato and a sliver of cheese. Surprisingly, even though the deli attendant waved a closed jar of mayo over the sandwich, it wasn’t even dry. Maybe that’s because the pickle she placed on top of it was soaked.
Either way I’m not hungry, and that’s a good thing.
So, what’s going on with you today?
Ashley Rimmer
Jan-4-2008 17:26
Nothing really. Just hanging out and trying, in vain, to keep warm. All the pretty snow on the ground is nice. But it is freezing cold out side.
Lucky it should warm up soon.
So, what is new with you today???
Maria South
Jan-5-2008 12:41
ASHELY!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god I just saw you! And Do Not think about calling me a spazzette just because I decided to mention it.
^^^^ She made the post on my computere everybody, MINE! Yay for bestfriends.
Well, Ash just left and went back to her house, so I'm tired and have nothing to do..........but it's a good day. The snow's all pretty(like Ash said), and I remembered the stupid homework I was going to do isn't due for a while, so technically, I'm not procrastinating!
Glad to hear how everyone's doing! If anyone's looking for something to do, I'm almost always bored, so Mail me....Bye loves!
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Sep-4-2008 14:05
How am I doing?
Well, I'm fine. I'm healing from a surgery well and even with a mishap. Summer is over and that is kind of scary because I missed some of it somewhere. Though I had a blast with some "sleuth" friends when we got together. Hopefully, we'll do that again sometime. I think it's great that some other people are going to try and get together in the UK or somewhere like that too. Ours wasn't as big as that one sounds. Not much else to tell you, but I could gripe about a bunch of stuff. I doubt you'd want to hear it.
So,...... how are YOU doing today?
Ashley Rimmer
Sep-5-2008 09:40
I'm fine, thank you for asking.
I'm visiting some friends in PA. Then planning to go the Jersey Shore, then DC....and THEN back to PA. Then finially home. Well, hopefully we can go to the Jersey Shore, if the hurricanes will let us..........*hopes to go to the Jersey shore*
But enought 'bout me........ how are YOU today????
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Sep-8-2008 10:51
I'm good, thanks! I'm visiting my brother in Colombo, Sri Lanka, I spent last week getting acquainted with a whole lot of elephants, and I've just attempted to alleviate my husband's sunburn with a lot of Body Shop strawberry body butter, which means he now smells like he's really in touch with his feminine side...
Ashley Rimmer
Sep-28-2008 18:26
I fine, thanks. Kind of stuck sitting around because all my friends are busy and stuff.....so yeah. If I keep talking I'm going to complain so.......How are you this fine day/night?
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Oct-3-2008 11:19
I'm embarrassed that I forgot to add a 'How are you?' to the end of my last post.
I'm also sad I couldn't make it to the Birmingham meet-up - sounds like a really good day!
And I'm depressed about money. But then, isn't everyone.
On the plus side, we haven't finished the chocolate cake yet...
How are you doing today?
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Oct-6-2008 11:47
I'm depressed because you haven't finished the chocolate cake. How do you manage to not eat chocolate? Unless , of course, chocolate cake is a reference to something other than regular chocolate cake.
Other than that I'm doing good. The sun is shining here, for now, which is unusual. Friends are taking me out for dinner tonight. [maybe we'll get chocolate cake ; ) ]
What about you? How's your day going?