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Aug-22-2007 05:44

Is there anything that can be done to improve how long it takes for pages to load? This is really sucking the fun out of the game. I cant stand it anymore. I find myself grinding my teeth and cursing at the computer screen everyday.

Is it server issues? Are these being worked on? or is there another Internet provider besides Explorer that can help move things along?


Old Shoe

Aug-22-2007 10:58

Firefox and Google Web Accelerator.

Johnny Rocket
Johnny Rocket

Aug-22-2007 12:27

OK, Something very weird is happening. I'm doing PE, and it tells me who the hair belongs to. But you know how the PE evidence goes away after it identifies the person? well its not doing that anymore.

So, the barber had 3 PEs to do 1 curly, 2 strait. I identified all the people, but the PE is still listed there under the Barber. ALSO, one of my suspects DIED when I opened him up. BUT HE's STILL THERE AND I CAN KEEP KILLING HIM.


Anyone else having these issues? I started having this after I downloaded the Google Web Accelorator? Coincidence?

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Aug-22-2007 13:52

I've had the PE thing happen more than a few times. I just saved the case and reopened it and everything was back in order. If that doesn't work then select the person the hair belongs to again. I didn't have google web accelorator when this happened so I can't speak to that.

Old Shoe

Aug-22-2007 13:58

Google Web Accelerator works using a cache system of sorts.

Try reloading the page.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Aug-22-2007 16:35

You may run into trouble using Web Accelerator or other external caching programs with Sleuth, for precisely the reason mentioned. Those utilities work by caching pages more aggressively than your browser, but as you've noticed, any particular page on Sleuth rarely stays the same between visits.

I will run a job this evening to clean up some old database records. This should help a bit. The last time I did this, it caused some stored case files to become corrupted and unplayable, so I will try to fix that bug first.

Sorry, staying on top of the performance has always been a big challenge, but we do our best to make sure the game is fast enough to be enjoyable.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-22-2007 17:55

You know, now that Sunny isnt carrying around 8 lbs 10 oz of baby anymore, she should be able to pedal faster... ;)


Aug-22-2007 23:46

Or get the little one to crawl inside the big server machines and pull out all the fluff build up...

No as ever Ben no complaints, you tend to leap into action as soon as you can find the Fez.

Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Aug-23-2007 07:48

I think they did send little Diego in.

But I'm not so sure he knows what is fluff or not. That's why we're having problems today! ;)


Aug-23-2007 09:09

Ah the little tyke tugged out the wrong wire!

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