CONTEST: Mystery Haiku!
Aug-18-2007 12:19
Do you write haiku?
Syllables begin with five,
Then seven, then five.
And now your challenge -
We all love a mystery!
Write one for us, please.
Of course, there are rules;
Mysteries must be Haiku.
Here's an example:
She died at midnight;
Sherry and strychnyne don't mix...
The butler did it.
One haiku is all
You have to tell your story.
(Much unlike these rules)
Spelling's important;
So is plot, so be careful!
And it MUST make sense.
You may want a prize.
In fact, there will be prizes!
...When I think of some.
August thirty one -
Last date of submissions, please,
Just before midnight;
Exact server time
Is eleven fifty nine.
Don't miss the deadline!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-20-2007 12:32
Two laid down to sleep
Only one arose next morn
Cat, where is that mouse ?
Story Teller
Aug-20-2007 18:13
sure it's been done... hmm to death
Another victim
falls to the ground. The wind laughs.
The death of a leaf.
Story Teller
Aug-20-2007 18:44
Bricked in the chimney?
Well, he swore to keep her near!
Til death do us part.
Aug-20-2007 23:13
Mystery? Or Morbid?
The great Haiku debate roles on... I'll get my thinking hat on and see what I can come up with...
Aug-20-2007 23:20
Where are my keys now
Here one minute, gone the next
To find them I vow
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-21-2007 05:15
I dedicate this poem to Stooby, not morbid and still a mystery to some:
Jelly donut, good
How did the jelly get in?
I don't really care
Aug-21-2007 19:37
I see no seam. None.
How do they make the T-shirts?
The ones with no seam?
Aug-22-2007 08:02
Why is Sleuth so slow?
Are the Servers running low?
Wake up Sleuth and go.
Aug-22-2007 12:17
Why did he do it?
Someone tell me why he did.
Then where is he hid?
Aug-22-2007 13:03
Who dun it? They cry.
What's your alibi? I ask.
To the nick for you.