the pix 4 girl detectives
Ruby Black
Jul-24-2007 14:36
This is a just oppinion kinda thing:
Some ppl think the pix 4 girl detectives are bad, and someppl wish they had ''prettier'' pictures 2 choose from. I wanna know what other ppl think. Do u agree with the ppl who say the pix 4 grls are bad? Or do u like them?
Just wondering.
Replies |
Ruby Black
Jul-24-2007 21:15
well ya sorry. I agree though they are still fun. And thank you Jim Diamond, because yes it was out of curiosity.
Jim Diamond
Jul-24-2007 22:06
Well, I'm sure you can have fun trying to walk a tight rope as well. Though not everyone would want to.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-25-2007 10:44
Playing in traffic is always a good time :)
Lady Zeugirdor
Pinball Amateur
Jul-25-2007 11:07
How fun it is depends on how much traffic is around!
Lucky Stiff
Jul-25-2007 14:29
The more the merrier! :)
Jul-25-2007 20:24
The sad thing is that this "chat speak" is how most of these kids write in school. I can't wait until they get to University and fail because they can't spell properly or string a correct sentence together. Oh, wait...my bad. I shouldn't assume that all these buggers will be going to University. ; )
Hahah! I love to hate everyone! Wheeeeeeeeee!
Pinball Amateur
Jul-26-2007 00:47
Oh Fille, you evil girl you....;-)
Jim Diamond
Jul-27-2007 04:53
Actually, since society adapts to the language currently spoken, and more and more slang and loaned words enter dictionarys, perhaps we shouldn't assume that by the time these kids go to university, university has *not* already adapted to the "new" language?
Old Shoe
Jul-27-2007 11:20
If Universities start using chat speak, the world has surely gone down the drain.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-27-2007 12:51
If that's true, I'm learning another language and moving.