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I wish someone had told me..
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Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-16-2007 15:54

For heavens sake!! Write somewhere (in the FAQ for example) that the skill point gain is based on experience! This is HUGE, and it's not an obvious thing!

Had I known I wouldn't have been so desperate for cash now. Also I wouldn't have so crappy skills and equipment, and most importantly I wouldn't have accumulated two false accusations in my desperation to earn more cash and skill points.

Now I have about 1500 bucks. I need about 10k to get rid of my false accusations. Also the only piece of equipment I *ever* bought with this character is a snub nosed revolver for 3k. You can do the maths yourself. I'm devastated because I didn't know that skill points were xp generated..


Fortunately I'm no quitter and I will get back up. But I am severely pissed off that I got here in the first place.


Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

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Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-17-2007 00:16

As promised you go!

Taken from Newbie Questions thread!

Page 2 titled *Skill Points* posted by Eve Hill :

Page 5 titled *Quitting...I Hate It* posted by Haynah:

Page 6 titled *on skill points/money...* posted by potatodude:

These are just some of the few, where we have constantly stated that the more your xp rises the longer it will take to get skill points.

Sir Butcher De Vei
Sir Butcher De Vei

Jul-17-2007 00:17

Okay... Confuzzled as to why that reply came up again when I typed in a different message. -.- anyways...

*=D sheepish grin*

That just goes to show my threaddig skill level. I only found one. Lol! =P

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-17-2007 00:29

Also my dear Fionn...

This next link was taken from the *Weclome Newbies* thread....

If you go scroll down this page, R Anstett clearly states this..his post is dated on May 23, 2006 @ 11:33.

Amazing how many links I've found so far in just a matter of minutes :)


Jul-17-2007 00:35

And if you've been around for over a year you must never have asked anyone anything to have missed out on all of this info!

This is by no means a personal attack by any of us. Just frustration that people often grumble about lack of help when it's all over the place!

Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-17-2007 00:57

Yes. Amazing. I assume you didn't use the search function to find them.

I'm gonna try to get this point across one last time.

I don't consider myself a newbie. I've been around for a pretty long time and this isn't my first detective. During my time here I came to think it was pretty obvious that the skill points were generated in different amounts depending on what case difficulty you chose to solve compared to your current level of experience, but instead it turns out it's the very experience itself that drops you a skill point or two now and then, no matter if you get your experience from sitting at the john reading books or just picking your nose.

If a thread doesn't state in the subject that it's about skill points and I can't find threads about it using the search function then I assume it's not there or at least that it will take a lot of time reading through every single post of every thread. Time I don't have as I have a full time job.

Don't assume I haven't asked because I'm lazy or I'm dumb or whatnot. I have indeed been asking questions around this place. But to ask about something you have to understand you don't know about it. I thought I had it figured out so I didn't ask.

Now, thanks for all the links. It's all very clear now. I still think that something should be done to make that information easier to find. The first thing I do when I play a game is not to read through the whole message board, but rather read through the help and FAQ. Why not put this info there? It's not a lot of text!

"Skill points are generated and awarded to you when you reach certain amounts of experience, no matter how you gained that experience."

There, for your convenience. Cut and paste.

Thank you.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-17-2007 01:09

Ok first of all, I've never attacked you nor have I said you were a newbie, all I did was give you links (ones that do contain *skill points and xp in the title) and showed you that the answer was there!

Fionn Palmer
Fionn Palmer

Jul-17-2007 01:15

Stooby.. man..

I'm not grumbling about lack of help. People are very helpful here. I am grumbling over it being harder than necessary to aquire that information. Or do you seriously suggest it be kept away from the FAQ and help? And instead every uninformed or new player should ask over and over again the same questions? That's how a FAQ is built. You add "frequently asked questions" to it whenever they pop up. And the questions have obviously been asked, over and over again. But still they're not in the FAQ.

Just update it. Stop patronizing me and try to rub in my face that the info is "everywhere". You can't just tell someone there's a treasure buried and give them a shovel. You gotta tell them where to dig.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-17-2007 01:15

And to reply to your comment " Yes. Amazing. I assume you didn't use the search function to find them."

Actually I did use the search box to find them...all I did was type in *skill points* and I came up with tons of things!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-17-2007 01:17

Actually we can't chance the FAQ's page, only Admin can, so you really shold stop telling us that "we" need to change it because WE can't do anything about it!

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