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Baby Names
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Demon of the Due Date

Jul-14-2007 21:34

Sunny has to be ready to explode now. At SleuthCon, Ben made us all give suggestions, My suggestions was to listen to Ben. There were others captured on video tha I'm sure Sunny will see. What is your suggestion for the babies name. Thinking about it, I say Shady for a boy and Shady for a girl (Shady for a girl fit's so much after What'shername perfected the role at SleuthConI)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-24-2007 08:59

Maddie its a little late for April, May, or June. Usually those names are used for the birth month. At least that what my cousin April, my friend May and Aunt June told me. Still time for August or Augtine though.

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-24-2007 09:25

Hm.. I've never thought of it that way.. but of course it makes sense.

..September.. now that would make for a nice girls' name..


Jul-24-2007 13:17

Christina what is Jazz suppoed to be for?
Girl or boy?

I like Elizabeth for a girl and Josph for a boy.

Battered Shoe

Jul-24-2007 14:49

Sam for a boy. That's what I named my son, and what's good for Ara is good for the rest of y'all.


Actually my first choice for a boy or a girl was Riley, but when Sam was born he was clearly a Sam, so really, he just named his own self.

Old Shoe

Jul-24-2007 14:52

I'm still pretty sure Jojo(ette) is the best choice for the baby's name.

Jim Diamond
Jim Diamond

Jul-24-2007 15:03

I gotta agree with parts of what Ara writes. One good way is to let the baby actually name itself.


Jul-25-2007 12:25

ok Boys name: Jack or Jayden
Girls: maxine? hehe


Jul-25-2007 12:27

But ya what ara says is good and agreeable. Most people name a kid something that matches its face... So can i say red heads are Brandons?

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jul-25-2007 12:47

lol, one of my newest grandbabies is a redhead... hence 'Henna'

Maddie, Jazz is PROBABLY short for Jasmine. tho not necessarily. someone may just like the music. :) My nephew's wife is named Jasmine and we call her Jazz.

Battered Shoe

Jul-25-2007 15:54

I like the name Asa for a boy and for short you can call him Ace

For a girl I really like the name Marilisa

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