Skill suggestion
Fionn Palmer
Jul-14-2007 17:13
"Lie detection" (or some better sounding name preferably):
Works just like Stress detection in that it "gives you a free question", but is a Smarts-skill instead of Toughness. And when someone gives you an alibi it gives you a message (sometimes or always?) that says something along the lines of "You sense that she/he is telling the truth" or "It's quite apparent that she/he is lying". Thus you won't have to check the alibi, and effectively save a question.
Please comment. It's not a finished idea.
Replies |
Ethan Murdock
Jul-14-2007 20:09
Nice, it could be a special skill thought by a faction. If they wanted to make a new faction for that it could be something like the CIA, or the KGB! Speaking of that, it would be really cool if you could visit Moscow or someplace in the USSR!
R Anstett
Jul-15-2007 05:01
Questions about this:
How predictable would it work? Like Hypnotism does now? Or the lower level of success like Surveillance? Is there a limit like the later? or just in effect like Hypnotism is for every motive question?
Lady Emerald Devon
Jul-15-2007 06:41
There are heaps and heaps more posts similar to these about skill suggestions.
Using the Search feature on the boards can help a lot and make for an interesting read.
Fionn Palmer
Jul-16-2007 16:05
So.. anyway, this skill was meant to be a Smarts equivalent to Lockpicking and Stress detection. Those are both Toughness. Perhaps there's a reason for Toughness getting two "get a free question"-skills. Research has a similar function too, but you can only research once per case I think..
But the above is all I've come up with so far. I meant that a discussion could evolve the idea perhaps into something complete enough to go into the game.
Jul-16-2007 19:17
Stress detection is not a "get a free question" skill, to be technical. You don't gain extra questions from it.
Fionn Palmer
Jul-16-2007 23:54
Yes. Right. I meant more like a discount coupon where you save some questions of the regular price. It's a common misnomer. Thanks for the correction though.
Jul-17-2007 00:13
Acutually, research would probably fit more with the description you are giving. Stress detection is more like having a sixth sense about when someone is going to clam.
Fionn Palmer
Jul-17-2007 05:35
Ok. Make it research then. Whatever floats your boat. So what's people's take on the idea? Is it too similar in function to Research?
Jul-17-2007 05:39
I don't agree that this is needed. The ability to rule more people out will make cases to easy and take the fun away. Also was lie detection available and at all reliable in the 1920's and 30's? I don't know, it's never been used here in the UK in courts of law.
Safety Officer
Jul-17-2007 06:38
I'm not particularly against this. I wonder though if the cases need to be made easier than they already are? If you get 'all' the skills there are right now, and you're just doing normal agency AI's you'd hardly ever quit a case. Even with VH's you'd only quit what about 2 or 3 'maybe' out of 12 if you were having a really bad run.
It's about at the point that if you were going to 'add' more skills to an already large list that you start to get into the realms of and/or. eg You can have Hypnotism or The Lie Detector, but NOT both.
I like the idea of new skills :) but not at the expense of the game getting too easy.