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SleuthCon II 2008 Suggestions
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Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-19-2007 14:30

This thread is for ideas, suggestions, proposals, etc. NO idea is too silly to mention :) although some might be too impractical to implement.

As possibilities become probabilities, I will create another thread for the Con itself and concrete facts/decisions/information.



Jun-19-2007 17:57

smiles... that is a good one... I wanted to go to Taihiti..but it got nixed... smiles

Honey Op
Honey Op

Jun-19-2007 22:17

You know Seattle is a wonderful city for conventions!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-19-2007 23:51

Lets have some West Coast...California would be a nice spot :)


Jun-20-2007 00:48

San Fransico!!!!

Rhiemma Moon
Rhiemma Moon

Jun-20-2007 01:44

::chuckles:: I have no problem with the idea of west coast, being FROM the west coast. BUT... We also have the mid-west to consider. Do we go East then Mid then West, or East, West, Mid... or do we settle on another idea entirely and tie this in with a large established event that might serve to draw more people into Sleuth?

Tahiti? heh... I'd go to tahiti if someone bought me a ticket :D

As for having a contest for a ticket as the prize... are we talking plane ticket? Event ticket? all inclusive? and who's going to pay for this? Sleuth Con I did not break even... My goal for the next one is to either cut costs drastically, or get many more of you to come. Preferably the latter :D


Jun-20-2007 04:01

2 reasons for my none attendance, firstly I'm in the UK lol! But also the cost would have been a little prohibative to me.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-20-2007 06:57

Well you had the Mid West to conisder when you all had it on the east coast, so its only fair to do a West coast too!

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Jun-20-2007 08:03

somewhere close to Ohio!!! heehee :o)

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-20-2007 10:39

Well, Seattle to Orlando wasn't exactly a short trip for me, so I'd be all for a middle of the country location. A couple ideas that sound good:

1) Attaching it to a larger gaming or mystery conference. The obvious options would be GenCon (Indianapolis, August 2008) or BoucherCon (Baltimore, September 2008).


2) A bi-costal conference, held simultaneously in two cities (we'd need two sets of volunteers to organize). We could video conference a few activities. We could also organize some kind of mystery competition between the attendees at each location. That would be really fun actually.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-20-2007 11:03

Either way it should be fair. Every year flip between east westm and middle of the country. I konw for me It's hard to travel being as I work at a school, and do a job that most people are not too inclined to do should I need to take time off. If it was in the west coast, where I'm from, I could easly hope on a plane to seattle or oregon after school, or i f its in california I could drive after I got off of work!

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