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What's Your Favourite?
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Old Shoe

May-31-2007 00:47

(Do like me)

What's your favourite infomercial?


Pinball Amateur

Feb-6-2008 13:24

Now there's an easy gimme....

With five cats in the family, it's also fairly likely to be accurate.

"The cat did it!!" ;-D

(Course, now that we have a new puppy in the family, he's been getting an inordinate amount of blame for stuff recently, and the cats have be LUVVVIN' it...;-)

So, y'know those Valentine heart-shaped candies with the little sayings on them?? Which one (candy or saying) is your favourite?? ;-)

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Feb-6-2008 16:04

Kiss Me. I haven't looked at those candies for so long I can barely remember what they said, but I'm sure of Kiss me...

Best Pizza topping?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

Feb-6-2008 23:05

Pepperoni, I know that not very creative, but who here hasn't picked a piece of pepponi off a pizza and ate it? No vegetarians allowed to answer! :-P

Best Olympic Event, Summer or Winter games

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-22-2008 16:37

Has to be the pairs figure skating. Hands up anyone else who remembers the Look of Doom that Italian woman delivered to her partner after he made them both do the comedy pratfall. Great stuff.

Favourite fashion mistake?


Feb-22-2008 21:03

I love horrifying snobs by wearing white shoes after Labor Day. Go, me!!

Also, I had a friend in High School who once showed up in plaid pants and a funky flowered shirt. It looked awful!! And she did it purposely!! And it made me look like a fashion model by comparison!! He he.

Favourite center for chocolates?

Diane Russell
Diane Russell

Feb-23-2008 11:30

Almond toffee... YUM. Actually, I'll take any kind of nut toffee with chocolate... but almond is the best!

Favorite (hey, why is everyone using the British spelling? Are you all from the UK???) Christmas present of all time?

Pinball Amateur

Feb-23-2008 11:37

Sounds stereotypical, and I'm gonna be gettin' PM's from people like crazy, but when I was seven, I got the best Christmas present of my life....

A PONY!!!! ;-D

(Yeah, yeah, I know, "What, no cat??" That was the second best gift, and that was a birthday present when I was thirthy-somethin'. ;-)

So, what's your favo(u)rite comfort food to eat during nasty weather?


Feb-23-2008 15:29

Italian Wedding Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich

It's even better when there is a fire roaring in the fireplace.

Favorite (yeah I'm doing the American spelling, USA! USA!) member of the Rat Pack?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-4-2008 16:10

Has to be Frank - those blue eyes get me every time...

Favourite (no apologies!) weather?

Safety Officer

Mar-7-2008 00:44

Rainy. Coz we're all droughty, and because I just generally like rain. Sound, smell etc

What's the most favourite birthday present you have received.

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