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Do you have a pet?
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Lady Erin
Lady Erin

Apr-6-2007 02:11



Apr-14-2007 09:39

I've had a cockatiel for almost 5 years now. Koukla is her name and she sits on my shoulder and poops all day. Anyway, all was going well until a few months ago, she got sick and I had to take her to the vet; only to find out that my beloved cute little Koukla is actually a sex-deprived male! Ooooh the things this male has seen ... I feel so betrayed! I still call him Koukla, sort of like "a boy named Sue" situation.

Old Shoe

Apr-14-2007 09:57

Betrayed, not to mention sorta violated! S/he appears to be into scat-play as well as gender play! Ugh, whatever happened to good ol' fashioned roofies???

Old Shoe

Apr-18-2007 00:33

okay so *itches ankles* it appears spring has brought me something in the neighborhood of 8 thousand pet ants. And i'm okay with that-- they're those teeny tiny sorta travel-sized ants, not the big hefty ones that take two swats to kill, and they're much nicer than the silverfish I had a while ago. Cause them things was bigger than Dinky cars, an like "whizzz" fast too.

Anyways, I'm only naming the ones I kill and I'm TOTALLY not starting any kind of breeding farm with these like Erin. In fact, I consider breeding cats with dogs a form of blasphemy, and I don't even wanna talk about the brimstone jacuzzi I'd have to take if we introduced ants into the equation.

So far, I've named one 'Strawberry' and one 'Surprise'.


Apr-18-2007 15:58

I have a black and white cat named Oreo. She is so cute. My cat once gave my dad cat-scratch-fever. My dad and my cat are not the best of friends.


May-2-2007 18:54

a cat named meow and a chihuahua named tinker.oh yeah,and a fat-ass dog belle

Chaussettes Chatoyantes
Chaussettes Chatoyantes

May-2-2007 19:44

Hey, crunchpatty - have you ever had fire ants in your home? They make great pets. ;)


Jul-26-2007 02:30

I have
*a papillon puppy name Maya(hints the name)
*8 fish ( 3 shubunkin gold fish, 2 fancy goldfish, 2 giant danio, and 1 black moor)
*a guinea pig name Machiavelli Kingston Westminister 1
*1 tortiose name Ninja

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Jul-26-2007 09:08

2 miniature horses

4 cats


Jul-26-2007 10:48

I have a frog named Tad, a cat named Q. T. Pie, and a pumpkin seed fish named Gill. We got him from Lake Monroe!


Jul-26-2007 12:46

I have a Hedghog. Hes my little wittle baby!
And i had a frog...But my dad roasted it.

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