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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




May-6-2006 19:23

generally fun, but it mildly irks me when the storylines dont match the cases. for example, in one story, the clients mother was killed. but when you star the game, the client is listed as the mother, and other suspects say "the mother had a motive because etc." also, the motives dont seem too serious. ie. victim was killed because she forgot two birthdays in a row. especially when there are two suspects who have that same motive. i know its all supposed to be random though. good work though. :)

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-9-2006 07:18

This is a very fun idea! Similar to how suspects go on the run on the higher level cases.

In this instance the "outage" would have to be governed by some sort of timer, and it would also create quirks in hunting as the detective is hopping from foot to foot waiting for the mess at the Bank to be cleaned up so they can get that final Note checked to make the accusation.

Assistant Postman

May-9-2006 12:27

I think the game is really fun, but I would like more cases per day.
ever since i started this game I was get 2 or 3 now 1 always and I am on hard.

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-9-2006 14:15

Kym, you are subscribed so you should be getting 10 cases per day. Do you mean favors? You earn a favor for every 3 cases you successfully complete after solving a favor case. If you fail to solve it then it takes 4 cases to earn a new favor. There is an excellent Welcome Newbies thread in the Newbie Section of the boards that explains in detail many of those issues for you.

jasonX 13
jasonX 13

May-9-2006 21:21's very fun.

2.add more mystery per day.

3.the hard mystery is so difficult.

Georgina Hardy
Georgina Hardy

May-9-2006 21:40

jason X 13, if you want more cases per day, you should subscribe.


May-9-2006 23:19

1. fun

2. some mystery generator, that would make up mysteries without intro story then & with no expmoneyskill points given. Would be for beginners, who take 3 cases & when blowing them, make new accounts, would stress less server.

3. game's normal, but goin hard to really hard made me quit 3 cases so i went back to hard cases, i really don't know how will i ever make it to the really really hard cases or further on...

also, some cases should be added where nobody dies, or there won't be anybody in the city anymore (laugh) and also add new family names, too many relatives (smile).

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-10-2006 09:30

1. This game is fun. I'm still trying to decide to subscribe or not. Using the "Sleuth helper' makes keeping track of details a breeze! I find I can solve cases in a matter of minutes. Of course, I'm still at the easy - intermediate level. If I knew what the differences are between the random cases vs the featured cases, I might be more inclined to subscribe. It would be monumentally disappointing if those featured cases are structured exactly the same as what I'm solving now. I would hope there is some feature that is not available to me as a non-subscriber but I don't know what that is.

2. I don't know if this would make the game more fun, but it would make it more realistic: How about supplying functionality that allows me to go directly from suspect to suspect, suspect to location, location to location, or location to suspect without "Leaving"? If there is a way to do this now, I haven't found it.

3. So far, the labels of jobs like "easy" and "intermediate" seem approriately named.

Thanks for something different in the online gaming world!

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-11-2006 12:26

OK, now I know the difference between the random cases and the featured cases. All I had to do was click on the "Featured Mysteries FAQ" link on the first page. Duh. I have another question but I'll post it in a more appropriate location.

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