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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?




Aug-29-2005 05:46

It's fun
but you kind of figure out the pattern after many cases. Yeah, it's still fun.

to make the game more fun, add some personalities into characters like suspects and the shop people.

the game level is fine


Aug-29-2005 05:56

I forgot to add that if you can include a family for the detective and have them tell you something about the case, that would be cool.

An Zo
An Zo

Aug-31-2005 07:56

1) Really fun

2) I don't know, perhaps more accessory/hat/... In the first four favors I made I received a grey umbrella and 3 plaid scarf.

3) I think is OK.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Sep-3-2005 23:09

So can you delete a character ands start over or not? Also, once retired, why not delete the character so the name can be used.
And 3 cases in 24 hour real time? Or 24 on the server clock??


Sep-4-2005 03:04

Three cases in 24 hours by the server clock, which is also 24 real hours. It's just that if you don't use them by "changeover," or around server midnight, they disappear, kind of like Cinderella's coach. So we call it "pumpkin time" (in my agency, anyway!)

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Sep-17-2005 11:47

Ben, in regards to making the game more fun....have you noticed the suggestion on the newbie board about killing off detectives, rather than retiring them?

I love this idea, as the warning about getting the license revoked could be changed to something about rival factions having little patience for incompetence in their city and being known to bump people off who cause trouble by accusing the wrong person....something that might be clearer about the /finality/ of the change.

I also like it, because then we could have a sleuth cemetary, where we could go visit the dear departed and perhaps, as our last act as that character, compose an epitaph...

I can see other permutations, such as those who die with little or no money being buried in a pauper's grave, while those who leave a large estate might be able to buy themselves a fancy headstone...although they might have to be buried in the "Wistful Regrets" section, with an automatic "Shouldda paid Shady" on their headstone.

Also, in regards to the continuing posts on the recruiting board by people who haven't subscribed, is there a way to make a special REALLY OBVIOUS link on the screens of unsubscribed people who go to the recruiting board? I know there's a message there already, but it's so subtle...too subtle.

What about something that says "Click here to become eligible to join an agency," (or something like that), that takes them to the subscription page? (Kind of like the "remove banner ads" option, only undeniably obvious?)


Sep-17-2005 12:52

Actually, your OWN faction should bump you off, as they won't tolerate incompetence in their ranks.

Also, what is that blank tab space being saved for? And can it be a tab directly to case files, to save us the step of going to the agency first? (As long as we're in our home city, of course)

And......can we get the crime scene tab to show up when we first open a case, rather than having to click on something else before we can search it?



Sep-18-2005 10:21

Someone said there is a thread about this but I couldn't find it. I love this game, it is really fun to play, but I have become really discouraged with the Treasure Hunts. It cost so much to travel, Four games is to many. It is losing a days play basically. There are no TH in London going on. Seems like always some in Shanghai. But whats the point if unable to play once arriving. ? I felt cheated out of playing on my only traveling experience. Two games still offers the detective the enjoyment of the game. Or maybe charging high traveling fees, or skill points? I do not like this part of the game. Takes away the thrill of the hunt, so to speak. Wish that could be changed.

Sir Andrew Clement
Sir Andrew Clement

Sep-19-2005 17:52

Some of this stuff can be asked by jojo227 in his interview with Sleuth Admin. Go to Sleuth Talk, and find the post called "An Interview With Sleuth Admin." You are invited to post any questions you want to be said in the interview. The best will actually be used in the interview!

Sherlock H0lmes
Sherlock H0lmes

Sep-28-2005 17:51

1) For random mysteries, one (or more) clues should be randomly imbedded in either the plot, the murder scene, the twist, or even the suspect interviews. Let's say I go and talk to a suspect and, in addition to the normal text, it says "Welcome detective. I just got back from the butcher." That would be a clue that the butcher knows something about the case. It would be a way to implement gossip. In this example, maybe the suspect told the butcher that she knew/didn't know something about the case. Or maybe she informs the butcher that someone else does/doesn't know or whatever. Ideally this clue would be useful at the time it comes. A clue that the butcher knows something shouldn't *first* arrive after talking with the butcher.

2) Decreasing the amount of clicking for the sake of clicking would be nice. Examples:

a) After asking a suspect for his/her alibi (or whatever), list all the options left for that witness instead of "Ask another question" and "leave".

b) List each suspect's physical traits on the case page instead of having to click on the suspect.

c) On locations with 2 contacts (e.g. Bank with banker and vault) automatically go to the main contact with an option to go to the secondary contact. The bar sort of does this by listing the "Talk to the Shady Character" when you're talking with the bartender. Just skip directly to that page.

3) List the evidence against a suspect on the suspect page.

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