Daylight Savings time in March?
Mar-11-2007 02:13
Yup... set those clocks ahead people. That is, unless your computer is smarter than you. Like mine is. Then, in your sleep-deprived state, you realize that you need to set it forward, then realize you stayed up until 5:30 AM, then realized that you're actually an idiot.
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Sleuth About Town
Mar-11-2007 02:17
lol serges...
yes, it's that time of year... and don't think you're an hour behind when your computer has automatically set itself to ahead... check with other clocks if they haven't been set yet ... like i did.
Battered Shoe
Mar-11-2007 04:50
mine is smarter than i am. i just wish the fifty-three other clocks in this house would grow some brains and re-set themselves.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Mar-11-2007 05:51
Thanks Serges, you had me worried then for a moment when I was up until 5am wondering why my computer *still* hadn't altered its time. Then I remembered that thanks to your wonderful President, I don't have to change my clocks for another two weeks :)
This gives me plenty of time to invent a load of those "smart" clocks that will alter themselves. But you couldn't have one, because they wouldn't change at the right time. Yay for Bush!
Mar-11-2007 11:07
Well it looks like the server's clocks aren't up to par either...City Hall is an hour behind!
Pinball Amateur
Mar-11-2007 14:09
(Still wondering what's gonna happen in two weeks when the computers go to look for the program that tells them to do it AGAIN like they normally expect....) hmmmm.....;-)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Mar-11-2007 14:23
Lucky Stiff
Mar-11-2007 15:38
yeah seriously, i had a patch that was supposed to reset it for Windows. Did it, but STILL had to set my clock ahead manually on my computer.
Stupid spring ahead....hate it.
Mar-11-2007 16:57
At this point, the reasons for daylight savings time really aren't valid. I wish they would just do away with the stupid thing.
Effing Benjamin Franklin.....
Battered Shoe
Mar-11-2007 17:05
Well, I do enjoy the fact that it's brighter later. I'm so sick of winter I could scream.
Sleuth About Town
Mar-12-2007 03:15
for me, if it were brighter earlier, i'd go to bed earlier.