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Physical Ev. and process of elimination
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Feb-16-2007 10:36

Every case I have done (Beginner, Easy, Intermediate, Hard) so far has had exactly two pieces of physical evidence.

Is this always the case,

and will one of those pieces always point to the murderer?

Because sometimes a townsperson will clam up after answering all but one question... And if I were sure that one of the pieces of PE would point to the murderer, I could stop there (instead of finding WE...which always has pointed to the person I suspected).



Feb-16-2007 10:46

Ok, thanks!

So one piece of ev definitely leads to the guilty person, BUT I can't be sure that I found that evidence?

If I have basic thread and basic hair, then can I be sure I will find all the evidence available?

Sleuth About Town

Feb-16-2007 12:02

yes... and then you get advanced skills to find specific details of the evidence.

Old Shoe

Feb-16-2007 12:08

Assuming you have basic thread analysis and basic hair analysis, you can do a remarkable thing:

If evidence piece #1 is to person with a real alibi, evidence piece #2 is to a person with a real alibi, and evidence piece # 3 is to a person with a real alibi.. then....

Whoever evidence piece #4 belongs to is guilty!

Kesi Artemis
Kesi Artemis

Feb-16-2007 13:27

Or, another way of looking at what jojo's post indicates--

If PE's 1, 2, and 3 don't belong to any of the fake alibis, then #4 must lead to the guilty suspect.


Old Shoe

Feb-16-2007 13:42

Yeah, either way works.

Assistant Postman

Feb-16-2007 15:26

Quite a bit of this game is logic. That's why I love it so much. I love doing logic puzzles and I love mysteries. This game combines two of my favorite things.


Feb-16-2007 15:45

Thanks everyone! This is really helpful.

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