Fifty Words or Less...
Feb-11-2007 16:03
For those who like to tell stories. The idea is to take a given sentence and use it as the opening to a story that you write - but your story must be fifty words or less (not including the original sentence).
Replies |
Old Shoe
Apr-30-2007 23:37
I've always wanted to visit exotic places. But this latex luau with its pin-up palm trees and Wal-Mart poy smacked more of patio furniture than the life I had wanted. Think maybe I'll skip my 20th high school reunion, they only point up my supreme failures.
As if the red cheeks and awkward "Hey, remember when" stories weren't bad enough, I was pretty sure I'd paid up front for the grass skirt.
Next: He said his name was Ray Parker Junior.
Safety Officer
Jun-21-2007 18:57
He said his name was Ray Parker Junior. But I doubted it. When I casually slipped into our somewhat stilted conversation that I wasn't 'afraid of no ghosts', he just stared at me blankly and shook his head a little. Then again, I was pretty sure Ray Parker Jr wasn't white, and I was pretty sure he wouldn't be working for the DMV.
I knew I was onto something when I busted my best move and asked, "Who you gonna call?" and he answered "Security".
You can never find a parking space when you need one.
[oh and I've gone over the limit, I thought it was 100 :s there's never an editor around when you need one.]
Dolly Dumplin
Jun-22-2007 05:40
You can never find a parking spot when you need one. I will have to carry four baskets of laundry clear across the parking lot praying the blustery winds won't take my unmentionables sailing into the summer skies.
It happened when I was just a child...
Jul-8-2007 08:45
It happened when I was just a child....
My father came home from work traumatized by an encounter with a insane man who started yammering about ghosts. He told us all about it, including the strange dance.
Thank goodness they have a good security crew at his workplace. Otherwise, I could have lost my daddy that day...
They found her face down in the river.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jul-8-2007 08:55
They found her face down in the river. Black hair swirled on the current. One shoe was missing, and her dress was torn.
She saw the grief and horror on her daughter's face.
"It's OK, honey, don't cry." She bent and fished the doll out of the water. "We can make her as good as new, I promise".
The man with the foxtail boa was following me again.
Jul-9-2007 22:55
The man with the foxtail boa was following me again.
I had been trying to lose him for hours. He's a drag queen and he wants my velvet purple mini skirt. My legs look great in that skirt!! I'll never give it up, no matter how long i have to hide.
It was past midnight and she still wasn't home.
Christina Williamson
Jul-11-2007 09:10
It was past midnight and she still wasn't home.
The man in the foxtail boa sat on the chair, waiting for the door to open. He had already looked in the closet for the skirt, but he couldn't find it. He sat and waited for her to come home; his loaded gun by his side.
The door slowly opened.
Lady Ruby Caplan
Jul-12-2007 06:18
Weather Forecast
The door slowly opened.
It was windy.
The door closed.
Again, the door slowly opened. Then shut as if playing a game with the wind.
Open. Shut. Open. Shut.
The wind died down. The door shut for good.
Bruce hated Desparate Housewives.
Lady Ruby Caplan
Jul-12-2007 06:20
Oh, it's continous. Ignore my ranting.
Jul-12-2007 08:40
It's not continuous, actually, except at the current author's choice. If you don't want to continue, you don't have to (it wasn't meant to be, anyway!).