The logout button
Feb-11-2007 11:04
One day I decied to log in to Sleuth. And it said that there were 102 people on Sleuth! I thought that it was amazing, but I couldn't get in. Now, I don't know If I'm the person to bring this up, because I'm not subscribed and i think that that is kinda the point at sleuth, but I can't get subscribed at this point in time...So I think that I will go ahead and address it. (Since I couldn't get on, I created a second account and that is what I'm using now.)
I went to see who was logged on and Most of them were new. which I am happy for...Don't get me wrong. But the thing I wanted to bring up was the Logout button/tab.
I think what people are doing is just clicking the 'close' button on the window. That dosn't actually log you out. What it does is it waits (keeping you still logged on) for a duration of time with no activity THEN logs you off. But If you click on the handy dandy Logout button/tab it will log you out immediatley or soon thereafter.
I just wanted to possibly bring this subject up, because it seemed like a problem to me. :)
Replies |
Feb-11-2007 12:42
Good point and thanks for pointing it out. Unfortunately, I don't think most of the newbies will find this post and read it. Most have trouble finding their way to the newbie FAQ. :-P I'll definitely make sure I hit the logout button (I usually do) instead of just closing the browser.
Also, when you are able to subscribe, let me know and I'll give you a sidekick code for a reduction in price.. :)
Old Shoe
Feb-11-2007 22:29
Not that I'm disagreeing with the idea or the spirit in which it was posted, but I'm quite sure that even when you do hit the logout button, that character stays logged in for a few minutes at least. For sure there have been times when I've had a few going at once, logged one out, looked at the 'Who's logged on' thing from one of the others at city hall and found the first one still rolling around, happy as a kleenex at a snot party.
Lucky Stiff
Feb-12-2007 07:06
Also, macadew, a lot of the newbies are doing what you just did, which is skirting the login restrictions by creating a new detective. Sharp of you all to figure it out, but it can severely slow down sleuth for the detectives who either pay to be here or for newbies who are actually creating a new first detective, as opposed to those who take advantage to either chit chat with their friends or PM others.
Feb-12-2007 13:29
I'm sorry...but I was just trying to help...