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Random Thoughts
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Jan-28-2007 10:26

O.K., so I dont know about u guys, but im constantly having random thoughts at random times. I feel the need to start a chain of ppl's random thoughts. so here's ur chance!!!



Jan-3-2008 14:02

Not-so-randomly bumped, because everyone should remember to be random.

Maria South
Maria South

Jan-5-2008 13:33

Catapults SHOULD be armed with real cats. There should be an organization for that! Like, 'Oh, no, what should we do with all the stray cats in the pound?'

'Stuff 'em in catapults!!! ;D'

On the other hand, what would we do with the dogs?

I just watched a car drive by, and I wondered if the person in it had ever eaten a tuna fish sandwich. Why is spinach always looked down on, like the steryo-typical child doesn't eat it? Why do basket ball hoops fall over in the wind, but not when you climb up them? Why do Catsup bottles always add how long that company has been around? Does it matter? Is there a prize? Why is there a thread for ranomd thoughts, but no threads for disembodied thoughts?


Jan-5-2008 15:55

Tengo un gato en mis pantalones
(I have a cat in my pants)

David Adams
David Adams

Jan-5-2008 16:24

That could be problematic, depending on the kitty....

Don't even think about it, Miss. :-/


Jan-6-2008 00:50

Why isn't there a think tank composed of the world's scientists that are focused on solving mundane, everyday questions?


Jan-6-2008 16:45

No glory in it, guansun. Who wants to do all that work and get no glory?

Assistant Postman

May-21-2010 19:51

Why aren't blueberries blue on the inside? I refuse to eat blueberries. They have false advertising. They are neither blue inside or taste blue.

And don't try to trick me with the logically sound argument that they are blue on the outside. Or how blue doesn't have a taste.

Sir William Weine
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff

Apr-20-2011 07:29

Blue has a taste for people with acute synesthesia, I think. I completely agree with you. Maybe we could get someone with synesthesia to help you out on that.

And one thing I've thought of. Why is cheese called cheese? Isn't it a bit of a weird name, cheez, cheeeeeese. It's so weird. Is anyone on sleuth into etymology, and that of cheese?

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