Random Thoughts
Jan-28-2007 10:26
O.K., so I dont know about u guys, but im constantly having random thoughts at random times. I feel the need to start a chain of ppl's random thoughts. so here's ur chance!!!
Replies |
Feb-9-2007 08:42
I think my perception of how cold it is in Canada comes from the fact that you keep sending your damned cold air to us and it's been scarily frigid. I mean, really. Brrr, eh?
Feb-9-2007 16:16
I think my perception of how cold it is in Canada comes from the fact that you're above us, closer to the north pole, and everyone talks about all the snow you have there, and whenever I see someone in Canada in a movie they're always wearing heavy clothes and hats and mittens and stuff, so therefore, I was led to beleive that it simply MUST be cold in Canada.
Ranier, you may be on to something there, but the fact remains that my folks are under the impression that I am currently writing a short story for english that is due in 2 weeks.
Washed Up Punter
Feb-9-2007 16:44
If I think in Farenheit, does that mean my brain is moving faster than if I were thinking in Celsius?
If Ara is that hooked on Jet-Dry, I think I should try it.
Why does everyone freak out when they drive in rain? I mean, seriously, it's as if everyone just forgot everything they ever knew about driving.
If I paint the closets today, they'll take forever to dry.
I have the same birthday as Sting.
Feb-9-2007 16:45
Batman is actually the name of a province in Turkey.
Adam Carter
Big Winner
Feb-9-2007 17:42
I'm looking out of my bedroom window now, and its snowing. Its 12:50am, but its snowing. A blanket of white as far as the eye can see. Its weird too, cos this only happens once or twice a year round our parts. Ten years ago it would snow on Christmas day, now we are lucky if it snows in February. People say its a white Christmas if show falls before Christmas eve. Maybe we should say if snow falls in that year its a white Christmas.
On a related note, I had an hour (and a gallon of fuel) to waste this evening, so I decided to practice my handbrake turns. I found a lovely empty car park, and set to it. Only I didn't notice that lamppost in the middle of the car park. And you can guess what happened next. Luckily, I hit it in the same place as my dad did the week before, so (technically) no harm done.
Snow makes me feel so ambivalent. One the one hand, its great. Its white, compacts well and makes a great noise when it hits someone. On the other hand, its slippy and means I have to spend 20 minutes spraying de-icer on the windscreen and scraping the ice off with my hands. So, its swings and roundabouts I guess.
Why are roast chicken crisps suitable for vegetarians but cheese and onion not?
Battered Shoe
Feb-9-2007 17:55
Surprisingly good: Vodka and Fresca. True story.
Larry the Toe
Feb-10-2007 06:18
Old Shoe
Feb-12-2007 22:39
Stop the presses, there's papaya vodka now? Mmmmm, enzymes n' hooch *drool*
if you stuck a yarmulke into a baseball cap, then shoved THAT into a bike helmet, you'd have the headwear equivalent of a turducken.
"Batman is actually the name of a province in Turkey. "
this makes me wonder whether in Turkey, there's a superhero called Ottoman. If so, would his secret power be telling people how to put their feet up?
Lucky Stiff
Feb-13-2007 04:26
if you stuck a yarmulke into a baseball cap, then shoved THAT into a bike helmet, you'd have the headwear equivalent of a turducken.
freakin fabulous observation Crunch.
If you send booze through the mail, and it gets stopped at Customs, how many Border Patrol agents will get drunk?
Assistant Postman
Feb-13-2007 06:52
Today Sleuth was brought to you by the letter F. (no not for THAT word) But because my 4 yr old has been tellling me non-stop that F is for Fishies. So all day yesterday and today (so far) it's been a "F" kinda day. Fishies, fighting, fingers (in noses), funny, and Bob (bob is our psycho fish. He survied a big brush with turpentine. Long story)