SleuthCon I
Rhiemma Moon
Jan-22-2007 04:06
Announcing the First Annual Sleuther's Convention:
Who? You
When? June 15-17, 2007
Where? Best Western Lakeside, Orlando (Kissimmee), FL
What? The cost for attending will be $125. This does not include your room, but does include meals (Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday) and activities. Rooms will be $69.00 per night booked in advance through the hotel. Simply tell the booking agent that you are attending SleuthCon I.
The evening of June 15th will essentially be a chance for people to get checked in and organized. It will also serve as a time for introducing ourselves to each other.
Saturday the 16th will be the main day of activities including a treasure hunt and concluding with a mystery dinner theater. There will be door prizes as well as other prize categories to be announced, such as farthest distance traveled to attend. Sunday will conclude the event with breakfast and gathering in the meeting room to hand out the last prizes and say our farewells.
As the event approaches I will have more detail on activities and prizes. I highly recommend booking early as the rooms will fill fast. Comments and suggestions will be duly noted and possibly used. :)
Hotel info is here:
It is best to call them as you will need to tell them you are attending SleuthCon I to get the reduced rate.
We will have it set up soon to take payments to reserve your spot at the convention. I will update here as soon as I have the particulars.
Replies |
Jun-17-2007 19:01
Just got home from from SleuthCon, it was a great time, thanks to all who had a hand in planning the event and the treasure hunt.
It was great meeting everyone and it should be pointed out that even the the event was small, Eye Spy investigations was the best represented agency! :-D
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-18-2007 08:52
Thanks all. I had a really great time. Sorry I was a sleepy party pooper for most for most of the (short) time I was there; but, everybody pretended to be nice to me, so it was worth it.
Thanks in particular to the organizers. It was nice to not have to do any of the work myself.
As has been mentioned, during my presentation I did officially announce the impending launch of a new Sleuth game (scheduled for September). I'll put up an information page soon, but in the meantime you can beg one of the attendees to give you a bit of first hand information.
Sleuth Strong!
Jun-18-2007 19:09
Nah, Ben, it's all good. It just made you easier to pick on. :-D By the way, nice fez. I hope you have a new one next year!
It really was a fantastic time, and I'm glad I was able to make it. I do have to agree with RAn that the words "Gate Key" DID come up a lot, and the apparently obligatory "ponies" mention also occurred.
Hey, we tried. :-)
Rhiemma Moon
Jun-19-2007 14:25
::chuckles:: as the 'dead' body in question, I can say it was particularly hilarious and I should be thoroughly ashamed of myself for scaring the daylights out of that poor housekeeper. However, all I will say is that it was my 'evil twin'. Yeah... that's the ticket... evil twin. I'm a gemini :)
There were pics taken of each stage of the treasure hunt, so as soon as we get all those pics organized that were taken of that and the rest of the event.... (ummmmm somewhere in the neighborhood of a couple hundred, lol) we will post a link to them.
I am also going to start a thread for next year's event for suggestions and ideas. As mentioned earlier, there is a possibility of tying it in with a larger event, which could cut Sleuth Con's overhead while also providing even more flexibility.
Thanks to all of you, those who attended and those who helped organize and make this event a reality. And thanks to those who took over at the last when I ran out of steam :) it was greatly appreciated.
Jun-19-2007 17:38
Hey all...just wanted to say that I was really bummed that I had to work on Monday morning... And I am glad no one complained about my kiddos on Sunday.. you guys are great.. (lets just say my kids are young and FULL of energy... energy i wish i could bottle and sell)
Ben... no worries about being tired.. we understand.. and well ... you are kinda easier to get information out of that way..giggles. I did mention he answered almost all of our question...even the personal ones about the kid to be...Sunny we all seriously thought of sending you funny pictures to get him in trouble..giggles.
I am so excited about next years event.. this just showed how much fun it will be... especially if everyone shows up again.. this time Ben you will have to bring Sunny and the bundle in tow...smiles.
Hope to see you all at the next Sleuth Con.. and this time EVERYONE needs to show up.. it will be that much more fun!
Carrie Mehome
Jun-19-2007 18:47
Well Woody and I just got back from a great time! The group might have been small but they all know how to enjoy themselves. Meeting Ben was great and I did ask for something and it had nothing to do with ponies :) ( SS it looks good). Anyway I just want to thank all who made it a success. It takes alot of planning and work to put something like this together and they did a fantastic job! We hope to meet more of you next year at SleuthCon II :)
R Anstett
Jun-20-2007 19:32
As requested:
see the amazement on Carrie's face, the quick draw of Sleuth Admin and the lovely Rhiemma Moon in a drop dead role.
Old Shoe
Jun-20-2007 23:06
LOVE being able to put faces to names for all you shybies who still have stock avatars ;)
Thanks for the post!
Rhiemma Moon
Jun-21-2007 12:06
::chuckles:: Great job, Ran. Thank you for putting all that together. It would have been really tough to pick out just a few of the over 200 photos taken :)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Jun-22-2007 10:37
Well I say lets see all 200 hehe :)