The merits of Ant Farming
Jan-17-2007 17:32
Owning an ant farm is a fascinating hobby and it’s particularly good for kids. It’s educational and fun too, and because it’s fun, the things that kids learn tend to stick. Many people have developed a lifelong interest in the natural world through owning a live animal as a child. So what could be better than an ant farm? They are clean, quiet and don’t need to be taken for walks when it’s raining! Because ants are social insects, they display a whole range of co-operative behaviours that we can learn a lot from.
Anybody with some experience on the subject?
Replies |
Jan-17-2007 17:57
lol... now wouldn't it be funny ... oh nevermind... this thread isn't ready
Jan-17-2007 18:39
As some of you might have suspected these threads with rather odd subjects are a result of some truth or dare action. That's why these subjects might appear to be "random". Even though I don't see a real correlation between all the threads over here at Gumshoe Lounge.
If you feel offended by these posts I'll take note of that and the boards will be free of such uncommon topics. In the meantime I would appreciate that any speculation about my personal medical situation or possible addictions would also be regarded as uncommon topics.
shell marple
Con Artist
Jan-17-2007 19:01
I like your post BadAss, they are a breath of fresh air from all the game type post that are getting so common at the Gumshoe.
Battered Shoe
Jan-17-2007 19:06
I want to play this truth or dare game! I love these posts BadAss, they are definitely a breath of fresh air! :)
Lucky Stiff
Jan-17-2007 19:10
WOOT me too!
Jan-17-2007 19:10
now see... badass.. you're making yourself a "signature" ... we know to get random topics from you... which is good... especially in gumshoe... and if we didn't like random... what would we be doing in sleuth? as each case is random and have no correlation with each other.
Jan-17-2007 19:25
I believe the subject was about ant farming.
Safety Officer
Jan-17-2007 19:32
I'm all for the random. Will maybe with an explanatory note somewhere, so we're not all imagining you sacrificing chickens and drawing pentagrams in the backyard. :D
Personally I kinda like the idea of BAdass having an ant farm though. Suits the colour scheme at least.
And we have drought like conditions here where I am so the ants are trying to move inside. There was a very orderly line down the passage way the other morning. In the back door and out the front. The cat sitting on the sidelines conducting traffic.
(ps oh and Serges sorry! that was a case of your name and the delete button being too close together. Apparently my medication ie coffee hasn't kicked in yet. Don't take it out on the Nuts :) )
Battered Shoe
Jan-17-2007 19:41
Cats, man. We have ants sometimes in the summer (tip: some varieties, including the ones in my house, HATE baby powder) and my freaking cats just sit around watching them. All they do is sleep, eat, and suck up--you'd think maybe they'd manage to earn their keep. Hmph.
Jan-17-2007 20:34
Ahh, yes, ant farms. I had one as a kid. I remember my mom not being about seeing that in my Christmas present pile. I think I eventually found a queen ant and then nothing else happened.
My daughter had better not get any ideas of having one...she has enough pets. I battle enough ants finding their way into the house living out in the desert. I have cans of Raid handy for just such occasions.
I normally find them as Secret Squirrel found his...the cat is laying their watching them.
AraLives...a mouse got into my house one nice summer night through a small hole in the frame for our security screen door. Dang cats didn't catch it. It took me nearly a little bit to catch that thing with a humane trap and all the cats would do is watch it under the refridgerator or where ever it was that day. The cats acted like it was a novelty since they had never seen one before (we never had one in the house until that occasion).