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The Heebie Jeebies
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Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Jan-3-2007 19:55

We all have our little neurosies . . . things that give us the heebie jeebies.

Instead of throwing thousands of dollars at a therapist, share your worst fears with your fellow Sleuthians here . . .

For example:

The movie "Silence of the Lambs" really gave me the heebie jeebies. The whole idea of what that guy was doing with those girls made my skin crawl . . .


Old Shoe

Jan-4-2007 00:34

(with apologies to the last guy who said this on these boards)

..."it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again".

like, eeep, right?

I'll second live burial as a very creepy way to go out. But then again, momma was a graverobber, and I'm dealing with it, so I don't know if I woulda needed the therapy anyhoooo.

The prospect of being nibbled by a rat in my sleep also does wonders for my insomnia.

Safety Officer

Jan-4-2007 00:46

lol I have woken up with a rat on my pillow (no jokes about beer goggles) and man at that range it looked like a bad scene from the Godfather and I'd just woken up with horse's head next to me. eesh *shudders*


Jan-4-2007 02:26

Wake up in a hotel in Las Vegas, see that a total stranger is sleeping in your bed and then realize you got married on an impulse the night before would most definitely give me the heebie-jeebies :-)

Nice expression btw, the heebie-jeebies :-)

Battered Shoe

Jan-4-2007 05:57

Cockroaches. When I was a kid we lived in an old brownstone, and now and then we'd get them. My dad did maintenance on the building, and would arrange to have the 6 apartments in our building sprayed when people noticed them, but there was one couple, who were university professors, who refused to have their apartment sprayed because they had a dog. I mention that they were professors, because they had a LOT of books. And I know now that cockroaches LOVE paper.


Anyway, the cockroaches would come back every so often, because the whole building wasn't able to be fumigated because of those neighbours. Eventually they moved out, and my dad had everyone evacuate for a couple of days and had a professional exterminator come and bomb the building. When it was safe to go back in, he went into the empty apartment where those people had lived.

Lord have mercy, as my grandmother would say.

There were THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of dead roaches in that apartment. He had to have someone come in to shovel them out. When he told me about the DUSTPANS FULL of roaches he swpet up before he gave up and called in a professional, I literally ran to the bathroom to hurl, right then and there. I was 13 and will never, ever forget that mental image. And just imagine--those people packed up their belongings, likely FULL OF ROACHES, and moved to a new place and brought the infestation with them! In their books! Because of the DOG! *gags shudders gags*

Anyway. We never had another roach, and I haven't seen one anywhere I've lived since then. I have told my husband, though, that if I *ever* see roach ONE, I am taking my kid and we are OUT of here until the house and everything in is is burnt down to the ground.


Lucky Stiff

Jan-4-2007 07:01

Ara you just gave me nightmares tonight.

Thank you EVER SO....


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