Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Dec-15-2006 19:56
At long last, I've finally gotten around to adding a live chat to Sleuth. We're testing out this new feature to see how well it works, so bear with us in the sort term, if there are problems.
For now, you can chat in the bars in all of the cities, and in the Coffee Roaster in Cairo.
You need to have Flash installed on your browser in order to use this feature.
Please report any bugs here.
Replies |
Jan-4-2007 16:54
Yes I love that...we could chat in the tea shop! its got a sweet back room ;)
Jonathan Williams
Jan-4-2007 16:58
It would be great for some pre-AVL trash talking. Trash talking on a message board isn't half as much fun as live.
Con Artist
Jan-5-2007 00:15
awwe, i kinda like the cut off feeling of shangri-la. it's so tranquil. It gives the place such a unique feeling. But, then again, I can see the utility of pre-AVL trash talking. lol
Jan-5-2007 00:39
Actually... what I'd kill a drifter for most in Shangri-La is a clock. Something that lets people waiting for reset know that hey, the day officially changed. Preferably backwards-running, with the word DOOMSDAY somewhere in the title would be nice.
Ranier Peperhaut
Washed Up Punter
Jan-5-2007 01:17
Doomsday??? Oh god. As if Shangri La isn't freaky enough!
Even though it's a bit of jog from the Tea Shop (I should know, I sprinted it last night) I pop into the train station whenever I am in need of knowing that my day hath begun.
I'm with ya though. You'd think the Prince would be able to afford a freakin timepiece... or that those monks would have some kind of sundial or sumthin'
R Anstett
Jan-5-2007 06:07
Very nice idea Ranier.
A graphic sundial that shows the shadow slowly marching across the face, a very appropriate graphic for the cut off feeling there in Shangr-la.
Of course not even there does the sun shine at server flip.