QUESTIONable Conversation
Sara Lou
Dec-13-2006 11:19
Okay, in this game, you can only talk in questions. For example:
dude 1: can you dance?
dude 2 : why should I tell you?
dude 3: why shouldn't you tell him/her?
and etc.
Lets start: Who are you? (remember to answer in questions!)
Replies |
Feb-11-2007 16:09
So, did some Wal-Mart lovin' thief steal all the question marks, thus rendering the Sleuth world incapable of answering Shakespatties question? Am I not, however, using question marks? Hmm, does that make me the thief, even though I detest Wal-Mart? Do ya think Scooby Doo could find out?
Washed Up Punter
Feb-11-2007 20:34
Are you well-stocked with Scooby Snacks?
Old Shoe
Feb-11-2007 21:41
Did not yon meddling kids verily make off with them-eth?
(shakespatty would have been such a cooler name...)
Feb-23-2007 08:39
Hath the Snacks o' Scooby not yeteth been foundeth? Verily, must I baketh more with my owneth hands?
Old Shoe
Feb-27-2007 23:59
Is that your Mystery Machine in your pocket or are you yonder thou just glad to see me?
Mar-3-2007 19:47
Did Shakespeare drive the Mystery Machine, and was he trying to run over Scrappy Doo? Why wouldn't he have wanted to kill that obnoxious little twerp? Puppy power, what the heck is that?
Old Shoe
Mar-4-2007 01:19
Didst thou steal young Scrappy's dog collar, don it, take yon photos and posteth them on thy myspace page for fun or for profit?
Wasn't Shakespeare riding shotgun on that one?
Mar-5-2007 12:08
Are you a twisted individual? Why am I even asking that, when the answer is obvious? Will you admit it? What will happen on the next Geraldo? Does anyone care? Do they even know who Geraldo is? And what's with that moustache? Huh huh huh?
Bob Spenser
Mar-5-2007 16:31
WHat do you mean?
Mar-9-2007 00:00
Do you mean to say that you don't know?