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QUESTIONable Conversation
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Sara Lou
Sara Lou

Dec-13-2006 11:19

Okay, in this game, you can only talk in questions. For example:

dude 1: can you dance?

dude 2 : why should I tell you?

dude 3: why shouldn't you tell him/her?

and etc.
Lets start: Who are you? (remember to answer in questions!)


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Aug-26-2013 03:20

Oh, do the cushions wanna join in?

Sherlock Holmes123456789
Sherlock Holmes123456789

Aug-29-2013 08:12

Should you put the joining cushions in front of your face, so it doesn't hurt so bad when I punch you? (Pugilistic enough for ya, Lucky?)


Sherlock Holmes123456789
Sherlock Holmes123456789

Aug-29-2013 08:15

Ah! No! I sound like Santa Claus! Help! I meant HAHAHAHA!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Feb-13-2015 10:39

Is anyone else worried that they sound like Santa Claus?

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-22-2015 08:15

Is anyone worried they LOOK like Santa Claus?

Demon of the Due Date

Apr-22-2015 23:10

Is Santa Claus real?

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Apr-23-2015 05:53

Can you pick up anything after you have your Santa Claus trimmed?

Demon of the Due Date

Apr-23-2015 23:38

Who would trim their Santa Claus?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-2-2015 08:26

Is anyone else now imagining Santa without his beard?

Kent Brooks
Kent Brooks

Apr-3-2016 18:31

Why is everybody talking about Santa Claus?

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