QUESTIONable Conversation
Sara Lou
Dec-13-2006 11:19
Okay, in this game, you can only talk in questions. For example:
dude 1: can you dance?
dude 2 : why should I tell you?
dude 3: why shouldn't you tell him/her?
and etc.
Lets start: Who are you? (remember to answer in questions!)
Replies |
Jan-19-2007 16:36
What nickname?
Is there something I don't know?
Who's naked?
Why did Sara kill Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
Will someone please tell me what's going on?
Jan-19-2007 22:42
But if we tell you wats goin on dont you think that the whole mystery might me given away??
Jan-20-2007 01:25
I'm lost, should i be in the lost and found? Is anyone going to find me? Does anyone care? Does this mean I'm a blonde? Can we just talk normally instead of questions all the time? Has anyone heard from the Nuts? Anyone know about them? Oh wait, what am I talking about?
Jan-20-2007 14:37
Is it just me or are these questions getting longer and more confusing? :)
Sara Lou
Jan-26-2007 11:52
Can you feel it?? Can you feel the Looooooooooove? Ya know nothin feels better than fellin the LoooooooooooooooooVE?
Jan-26-2007 17:00
How does one feel the love?
Sara Lou
Jan-30-2007 07:48
Do you have hands?
Jan-30-2007 21:59
Isn't love felt with the heart?
Old Shoe
Jan-30-2007 23:39
*shakespeare voice*
hath not the heart..hands...eth?
Feb-11-2007 16:09
So, did some Wal-Mart lovin' thief steal all the question marks, thus rendering the Sleuth world incapable of answering Shakespatties question? Am I not, however, using question marks? Hmm, does that make me the thief, even though I detest Wal-Mart? Do ya think Scooby Doo could find out?