Arch Villains
Anya Harris
Dec-2-2006 20:31
Well, I'm subscribed and I've managed to join a terrific agency. I'd like to know how to go about purusing (and ultimately capturing) an Arch Villain.
Replies |
Lia Meliamne
Dec-18-2006 19:19
O.k., last question. I am in the third city of my villain hunt, but I just keep getting the same three clues over and over. Is three the most amount of clues you can have, or will I finally get another clue if I just stick with it?
Safety Officer
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Dec-19-2006 03:27
You can get enough clues to narrow it down. There are more clues possible, but it can take some time. So if you still have to guess DONT! Just hang on till you get enough clues.