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Justin's Freakshow Lounge
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Con Artist

Nov-12-2006 22:48

Good evening ladies and germs. I think its high time we had some actual fun on these here message boards. So in addition to the anything and everything thread, lets open this up to all sorts of hijinx.

<Best Busker Voice>
Ladies and Gentlemen
Boys and Girls
Welcome to the greatest show on earth!
Will Justin post lyrics from Gilbert and Sullivan?
Will he kidnap Terrance Zorn again??????
Stay tuned. Same bat time, same bat channel.


Y'all can call me Bucky
Y'all can call me Bucky

Nov-13-2006 15:50

Ya'll know how t'make a fella feel right welcome here in this here computer game ya'll got goin'.

An since ah been involved in a few freak shows in mah time, I feel right at home.

My girl Missy Sue she was one of the best dang bearded ladies ya'll ever did see.

But ol'Trevor he's gone now - Missy Sue done named her beard Trevor after her mama's third cousin Jethro's coon hound.

We done took Missy Sue in to a proper hairdressin ladies place to have ol'Trevor shaved off.

The lady there was mighty nice and didn't use no mask or gloves or nuthin. And when she done finished - whilst she was stampin on them critters that came outa ol'Trevor - she even said that Missy Sue had three of the nicest chins she had ever done seen.

Ah asked that nice lady what a bra-zil-ian hair cut was up there on her board, since I am good at soundin' out mah words. I thort maybe Missy Sue would like somethin' fancy like them French ladies get.

That nice hair dressin' lady she done went whiter than the day Uncle Festus put his hand in the holler log he hid his Shine down and came up with a skunk instead. One of the nice ladies a-ssistants offered to go find a hedge trimmer. That seemed kinda strange since they only done had a pot plant in that sa-lon.

Anyways that nice lady sent us away without payin a cent. Now wasn't that kind of her?

And that is the story of mah Missy Sue's beard.

I done hope I can come round more often and share mah stories with y'all more regular like.

Y'all can call me Bucky.

Lucky Stiff

Nov-13-2006 15:58 me beat

*bows to Bucky's genius*


Nov-13-2006 16:15

Plum tuckered out...

Please do Buck!


Nov-13-2006 20:49

Well,,,, what else are you going to have at this here show house?? Got any elephants? what about giants? You cant' be calling it a freak show unless you got something reallly special....

Pinball Amateur

Nov-13-2006 22:16

How bout a performing tiger?? ;-)

Sleuthgirl Ciara
Sleuthgirl Ciara

Nov-14-2006 00:08

to yall can call me bucky: how old are u and do u have any gf yet? U seem kewl but i'm not a braziliaer, sry, lolz! Y do ppl call you bobo, plz?! Does this gratest show in earth have a midget cannon?

<3 <3 <3 Ciara!

Lucky Stiff

Nov-14-2006 03:10

Ciara, I think, unless you're Bucky's long lost sister/first cousin/cow, you might be out of luck there :)


Nov-18-2006 15:15

LOL .... biggie too funny...I think this show should feature the famous silvercrunches!!

Old Shoe

Nov-18-2006 17:05

If the show happens at sleuth chat. We can put that pole to good use. (not that we normaly don't) :P

Safety Officer

Nov-18-2006 17:22

I don't know what goes in Sleuth Chat but I think you've corrupted an innocent, and warped yoyo's fragile young mind... LOL.

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