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# of dectives in an agency
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-11-2006 15:36

On other threads the discussion about how many cases you can turn in is happening.

The idea that there is a rule that you can only have 2 detectives in an agency seems to be a false one to me.

If you can access every detective in the agency because you have their password then do you control all of them?


Fiddler's Green
Fiddler's Green

Nov-11-2006 16:05

Personally, I don't think passwords should be shared. I am Fiddler's Green

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Nov-11-2006 16:29

I do believe the rule is no more than 2 detectives per agency per actual person. I wish I could find the thread Ben said that in.

The line becomes very blurry when someone subscribes a detective, gives the password to someone else, and then has to stop playing. The person who originally created the detective may never log in again, but because the password is know by someone else, "person B", can use the detective as if it was their own, thus creating a situation where "person B" only subs 1-2 detectives but control many more who otherwise would be inactive.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Nov-11-2006 19:12

There is no rule because the game mechanic allows us to log into as many detectives as we want.

There may be a wish on Ben's part for that behaviour, but it is not a rule.

My original question remains, is control governed by subbing the detective? or by having access to the detective and their cases & contacts?

Lucky Stiff

Nov-11-2006 19:30

I've always heard it was a rule myself Ran....

As far as your original question goes, I think you control a detective when you consistely use it for an extended length of time and the original subscriber has no immediate plans to return.

I know you'll probably pick that apart (lol) but I'm generalizing, the time frame isnt up for any of us to decide.

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Nov-11-2006 19:42

Actually neither as far as I know. Because the only way to tag and track people is by their IP addresses, and that system is flawed at best.

If you control it by who subs the detective, then I could ask my friends with different IP addresses to sub as many detectives as they can (two each of course) and then give me the password control. I could then create an agency with all dummy agents controlled by me. (personally this would be too lonely and boring)

If you govern it by saying no more than 2 detectives per IP address ever (no sharing passwords), then people who share the computer, and thus IP addresses would be limited to one detective per person, (thus making it 2 for the IP address) and a third member of the same family would not be allowed to play.

The password sharing issue has come up and been discussed many times, and there has never been a clear answer. Unstated rules that some people may play by can not be enforced since everyone does not hold up to the same ideas or principles.


Nov-12-2006 00:07

In our agency, password sharing is a trust issue, and not a rule, I like it that way.

- It's not a goal for us to play/use all the cases that an inactive player could offer, that's just a question of time. (but yes we like to have the password of the personn in this case, this could avoid/delay a kicking out after all)
- We respect the behavour of each player (for exemple Llolly and summer were on an AVH since two month AND inactive, and they're still on their AVH also if this is forbid the use of these detective to us).
- The more active detective playing, the better, (just today we lost a detective (probably) because nobody had the playing hours).
- In the end if a player don't like the way is detective is used he can always choose an other agency.

Old Shoe

Nov-12-2006 01:59

Two things are emerging here as the central issues: first is the need for an operational definition of the word "control" in this context, and second is a way to enforce any rule that stems from that definition.

It seems to me that irrespective of how "control" is understood, the only way to enforce it is to limit the number of cases a given detective can solve per day, as artificial as it might seem. Yes, this would change how treasure hunting works -it would give an advantage to agencies in which password sharing is the norm, as some agency members would be able to log on as others to advance hunts. But, frankly, password sharing is *already* used as an advantage in hunts, so I don't see it as a dramatic change at all.

Since what sparked this thread is actually an issue about the accumulation of experience points, another option is for each real individual player to "officially" register a maximum of 2 detectives, formally understood as "controlled" by that player, and to somehow change the number of experience points that player can collect for a case originally opened by any detective other than those two official ones.


Nov-12-2006 11:05

It's all a matter of free choice, isn't it? No one is forced to share passwords, just as agencies are entitled to set up their own "house rules".

If a player bought a subscription and somehow hasn't got the opportunity to log on anymore, I see no problem why cases that would else have been lost can go to other active players.

There are pro's and con's in every situation. An agency that is blessed with a fully equipped team of active players won't have to do the extra work of looking for favors besides for themselves and work up two or more detectives which eventually becomes a massive task. I know for myself that I rarely come to solve 12 cases a day anymore.

Ranier Peperhaut
Ranier Peperhaut
Washed Up Punter

Nov-12-2006 19:19

I really don't mean to be naive here, but I think I am totally missing something.

Between this and the "other" thread, what is it that people are so upset about? I truly don't mean this negatively or sarcastically either. I really don't get it. I have read the other thread but I just don't see what is making people irate.

I find the high score board of no interest, because I don't have the time to do those number of cases to make the board. To me that board really ranks how much time any one person puts into their game, and not anything else. I do think that is an accomplishment in itself, to put that much time into the game, and I find that I am often thinking, "wow, that's so much work!" about those detectives who do so.

I wouldn't dream of comparing myself against those scores, because I just don't have that time. (Damn work, lol)

I don't think it is unethical to give away cases if you are not using them, but I don't think I have all the info or insight, even while I am saying that. There is apparently quite a lot of history behind this that I am unaware of.

Anyone willing to dumb-down and sum up the concerns behind this hot topic for me, so I can come up with an informed decision?

Ranier Peperhaut
Ranier Peperhaut
Washed Up Punter

Nov-12-2006 19:26


I think the BIGGEST thing that totally confused me completely was Chron's response to it all. To me that was out of left field. But again, I don't think I know any of the history, so that is probably why I am missing the point.

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