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Skills Points
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Sep-2-2004 11:26

I'm sure there are many others out there like me, with skills points that are now useless. Is there any way we could find a new use for these? I currently own every single skill that is offered (not because i need them all, but because i got bored looking at my "unspent skill points" grow). I even have 25 more that I can't use. I did like it when the new ones came out through the Faction leaders, but I know that if our detectives gain too many skills the game will be pointless random clicking.
Sooo... is there something else we can do with them? Like trading them in for new cool features for the agency or something? Just a thought......



Sep-21-2004 23:13

Of course, with the old-timey theme of the game, the casino would have to be located in the back room of a speakeasy...


Sep-22-2004 02:07

And how well you do could depend on how sloshed you are....

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