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Board of Good Cheer
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Oct-16-2006 04:06

I'm not sure if anything like this has already been done, but I looked for a place to cheer about something in Sleuth and couldn't find one, so I just made a topic. If I'm redundant, please feel free to move or delete.

If I'm not, then post something "Sleuthish" we can all celebrate.


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Sep-25-2007 14:31

Well, I'm a bit late but very recently Margaritaville hit 100 Treasures! W00t!

(and I am even later with this, Congrats Evenlyn, I have no idea how you did it :) I do one case, get a repeat clue and then can't be bothered for the day!)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-25-2007 15:52

Same here, I always forget to check this thread...congrats guys :)

Emily Hill
Emily Hill
Lucky Stiff

May-27-2012 11:30

May-27-2012 11:06

Treasure Saved
bitter_suite24 from Dawn Of The Dead completed the search for The Lost Cenotaph of Persia. Dawn Of The Dead received the $5000 reward and 250 fame for finding this treasure

First treasure for Dawn of the Dead. First of many!


May-27-2012 11:45

Way to resurrect a 6-year old thread to brag! It's the zombie way...


Fleur Veritas
Fleur Veritas

May-27-2012 11:51

Many congratulations on your first TH win! It was fun to participate in the hunts with you. All the LH team look forward to doing so again ;)

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jun-27-2016 16:56

Congrats Autumsprings on your VH capture. Nice going, considering you've been on a long hiatus.

Kind of like riding a bike huh? You never really forget ;)

Con Artist

Jun-27-2016 17:04

Thank you Jas! I even faced the wrath of Cairo! What a warm welcome back, huh?

But yes, it all comes back to you. Especially when you have great friends helping you out. I was telling Breitkat that, as odd as it seems, AIs are almost easy now. Sometimes. Depending on the PE.

Thank you again!

Pinball Amateur

Jun-27-2016 18:08

I told her it's one part experience, four parts luck. (She's got the luck. ;-)


Con Artist

Jun-27-2016 19:41

I did on this one. The next one may rival a nemesis hunt for all we know.

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-7-2016 07:44

Congrats to both AV Tournament finalists. Way to go Verali, and next time my dear Bela! :)

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